I've been excited to do Velvet for awhile cause she's such a cutie. >w< I never thought I'd get this far with these RWBY chibis, but I'm proud of myself. I'm making it a goal to complete the ones I want to draw before starting on another series to flesh out. Plus it's good practive for me. o3o
OMG! she looks so cuuute. Ah she needs cuddles and pets, A LOT OF THEM! I love the way you respresented her, the colours are so nice. These RWBY chibis of yours actually start to make me want to go check out the series xD
OMG! she looks so cuuute. Ah she needs cuddles and pets, A LOT OF THEM! I love the way you respresen
Aww, thank you. >w< You should, it's a good series. It took me awhile to get over the animation flaws, but the fight scenes, characters, and the soundtrack really make this show.
Aww, thank you. >w< You should, it's a good series. It took me awhile to get over the animation flaw