Character Sheet for Decidous Forest
Character Description
Simple ol' earth pony filly with her whole life ahead of her. Her somewhat short stature, combined with her odd nickname, makes her appear younger than she actually is.
No cutie mark yet, but she feels like she's close. Probably something tree related.
Mild-mannered and generally stays out of trouble. Usually, trouble just finds her, either through her friends or her sister's antics. Mature for her age and a bit of bookworm, often reading a bunch of weird and advanced stuff for the heck of it. None of it sticks, but she still enjoys it.
Likes: Reading comics and field guides, annoying her babysitter, any type of ice cream, trees, Latin
Dislikes: Bad grammar, morning bird songs, her sister's tentacle experiment thing
Her nickname arises from a far-fetched observation in her name, that being that "deciduous" is rather close to "duodecim", the Latin word for "twelve". Everyone thinks it's silly, but her insistent nature made it her nickname.
Her family are mostly botanists and have a plant/garden theme. Her parents are researchers for the university and are often away doing botany stuff, leaving her with a second bed at her sister's place most summers.
Perennial "Penny" Garden (older sister)
(unnamed father and mother)