G3 Core 7 Cheerilee/Cherry Blossom still willing to go to the beach despite her larger frame and smaller swimsuit. Her card's info says: My Chubbiest Pony Cheerilee LIGHT / Chubbiest Pony / Level 6 / ATK 0 / DEF 2800 This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. this card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 face-up "My Chubbier Pony Cheerilee" you control or with "Rebirth of the Chubby One". This face-up card cannot be destroyed by battle. Negate the activation of an opponent's card effect that negates the effects of a "My Chubbier Pony" or "My Chubbiest Pony" monster you control and destroy that card. You can only control 1 "My Chubbiest Pony Cheerilee". Rare