Note: Only YYYFan09 and Hot-Gothics will understand the title. Don’tcha just love inside references? |D
Anyway yeah we were all at my grandparents’ house for my birthday party last weekend and for some unexplained reason we all felt like watching classic animated Disney movies. Unfortunately the closest we got was Mulan 2 and Lion King 1 ½ BUT THEN MY GRANDPARENTS RANDOMLY FOUND MY OLD SONIC THE MOVIE DVD THAT I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR FOR LIEK TWO YEARS NOW ASDFLOLWTF I WILL NEVER LET IT LEAVE MY ROOM AGAIN.
So then I forced them to watch the movie with me in Japanese with English subtitles ( why can I not find that on the Internet anywhere??? ). I think all three of us agree the best thing in that movie is Metal (or at least I think so). Srsly, he does some of the most derp things EVAR and he’s still so badass.
Oh well. Anyway I love how this one came out. It sure was a hassle to outline, though—I had to switch between 2 double-ended Sharpies, a regular Sharpie, and 3 Sharpie pens. UGH. And guess who got a 132 set of Prismacolor colored pencils for her birthdaaaaayyyyyy~