This is amazing! I love how huge and fierce Raph looks, and how intense and unafraid 'Fearless' is. You should be very proud of this picture, it's marvelous.
This is amazing! I love how huge and fierce Raph looks, and how intense and unafraid 'Fearless' is.
Holy shit, Ralph is jacked!!! I get this feeling that he got an extra helping of the mutagen because Leo looks 3/4 human but Ralph looks 3/4 snapping turtle on steroids, absolutely love the gritty action movie feel it helps give it
Holy shit, Ralph is jacked!!! I get this feeling that he got an extra helping of the mutagen because
is this based on that fanfic where Karai controls the city with a dome shield, Don is missing, Michelangelo is living with an human friend, Leo got betrayed by Karai and Raph is a cage fighter?
is this based on that fanfic where Karai controls the city with a dome shield, Don is missing, Miche