The nightmare begins... With One. Fatal. Mistake. After the fate that struck Violet the Darkling after her berserk form went out of control and stopped as her eye was shot out. After that things have gotten strange day after day... After the artificially created Darkling wasn't seen after a few weeks there is a distress call coming from a abandoned base that used to be ruined by Eggman. Shadow the Hedgehog would have answered the call, after going to the base and getting inside he started to question of this was a trap. Shadow: "this is most likely a trap, nothing I can't handle... Now, where are you..?" As he entered deeper into the darkness of the base a dark female figure could be seen, as he got closer it was the form of Violet. "Violet, it's you.." She would remain silent, how she was standing her right eye was all that could be seen as it was closed, he took a few steps at her to see if she was ok. At that moment her right eye opens, revealing a blood red eye looking at Shadow as she was covered in black blood. "ArE YoU ReAdy ToO PlAy A GaMe? Violet said with a demonic voice looking at Shadow as they where teleported into a world of darkness, the once abandoned base's halls was now covered in blood, Shadow now rushing to the exit by seeing this all happen I front of him. Shadow: "What the hell is this?!" She then appears in front of him, stopping him as he was to turn back to go back the other way, in which she repeats the process, once he was tired and unable to run she revealed herself to him by standing in front of him. Violet.EXE: "YoU ReMeMbEr Me...? Oh I ReMeMbEr YoU ShAdOw..." She then life's her hand, ready to slash at him with her claws on her fingers. Shadow then looks up, horrified by seeing her all stitched up in places, bleeding black blood with her left metal eye socket as it leaks black blood. Shadow: "Just...what are you....?" Violet.EXE: "I Am vIoLeT.EXE!!! At that moment the scene cuts to black as she sliced at Shadow as his screaming is heard from his death" as the lights come back on his mangled corps is seen, his eyes clawed out as he was all scratched up and his heart ripped out. Now at G.U.N. the commander is now trying to get Shadow to answer his calls. It's now been hours since his last response, as he looks at the files on Violet he starts to think of the worse, her working by her Black Arms side. A demonic voice is then heard in his head. Violet.EXE: "HeLlO CoMmAnDeR... DoN't WoRrY, YoU'lL JoIn ShAdOw SoOn..." The commander looks around, seeing no one there. G.U.N. Commander: "That can't be--" at that moment he was cut off by the room going black, as the lights come back on his throat was slit, his blood rapidly draining onto the floor as he held his neck looking as who was responsible with his eyes widened in horror. Violet.EXE: "YoU WhErE No FuN... AfTeR WhAt YoU DiD YoU sTiLl LoOsE..." As the commander now fell dead onto the floor and his blood still bleeding out the room went black as she let out a demonic laugh, disappearing as the lights come back on. The scene now cuts to Eclipse, plotting his next move to get his revenge over Shadow and now focusing on finding Violet, knowing she was Black Arms. Eclipse: "Now that this is coming together I will finally succeed. Just you wait brother..." as he was now looking for Violet he succeeds, she was standing in a similar manner how she was when she encountered Shadow. Eclipse: "now I've got you girl!" The scene cuts to black, with a demonic chuckle now being heard. Violet.EXE: "Is ThAt So...? WeLl ThAn, It WiLl Be A MuRdEr ToO ReMeMbEr...!" As the scene comes back the darkness starts to consume Eclipse, the darkling struggles to free himself, but yet only to fail. Eclipse: "this isn't possible! How is this happe--" She then stabs her claw from her right hand into his bottom jaw, now holding his bottom jaw as if she was being gentle as his eyes widen, fearing the worse as her claws was coming out of his mouth from being stabbed from under his bottom jaw. Violet.EXE: "YoU TaLk ToO MuCh... YoU ShOuLd LeArN ToO KeEp YoU'rE MoUtH ShUt... Or BeTtEr YeT...KeEp It OpEn!!!!" She then grabs Eclipse's bottom jaw, ripping off as she laughs in a crazy demonic laughter, watching him as his tongue hangs from his neck as the blood spatters everywhere from where she ripped his jaw off. As his dead body lays on the ground with his bottom jaw tossed aside the scene cuts to black once more with her standing over him, once the the scene comes back into place she is gone again. As nightfall comes the demonic voice of Violet.EXE is heard. "YoU ThInK YoU ArE SaFe...? No...YoU'eR NoT... I WiLl FiNd YoU... I WiLl sLiT YoU'rE ThRoAt... I... WiLl... KiLl... YoU..." She is still on the loose as the story closes... For now...