Backing track by Sunfly Karaoke and purchased on iTunes. Original song written by Bert Bacharach, and performed by Deacon Blue.
----- Dipper is found by his uncle, Stargazer, who tries to comfort him, to no avail.
----- And cue the appearance of The Flower Girl again. I felt it necessary to bring her back to explain why she didn't intervene in the fight. She did, but could only prevent so much. I'm very much a believer in not punishing children who have suffered the consequences of their actions, as the punishment was to prevent them from experiencing those consequences. I originally planned to use the Dionne Warwick version of the song, and end the arc on a more positive and humorous note, but after hearing this version in the style of Deacon Blue, it continued the somber mood so well, I decided to use it. I simply love Dipper's "me, too..." at the end.