Character Sheet for Mune Ingste
Ainura, Blackwolf, Loupy, Dicewolf, Phoenix, Pepsihusky.
Three tailed white fox, with grey ears, and paws and tips of his tails. There is a patch of fox bronze fur at his lower back, in it a white sigil.
Spero Sigil - A Sigil given him by his mentor, another kitsune of the Divine path. The spells woven into the Sigil were to teach him to respect the powers he was gifted with. An Ritual of Sealing gone horribly wrong in battle caused the accidental effect of regressing Mune back to 3-years-old. So it has happened that when he uses 15% of the total sum of the magic in his body... he is made to regress though his powers remain fully available to him... though he is unable to return to normal until he has replenished his magical energies.