[With Twilight and her gang…] “Rise and shine, y’all we have a big day ahead of us,” announced Applejack. “What time is it?” asked Twilight. “We don’t have time for that, we have to high-tail it over to Pon-Evil and save Zecora,” snapped Applejack. *The others wake up* “Awesome, let’s get moving already,” said Patch. “You woke me up from my dream with the Cleveland Bays,” said Melody. “Who the hay are the Cleveland Bays?” asked Applejack. “They’re my all-time favorite rock band,” said Melody. “Clover once got tickets to go see them but since only two of us could go, we decided to stay home and watch the concert on TV,” said Bright Eyes. “It was much better watching it with friends than taking only one to see it live,” said Clover. “Come on, ya’ll we’ve got a zebra and Ponyville to save,” said Applejack. *They head off* [In Pon-Evil…] “So they’re coming back over here to save you and defeat me are they? Well, Zecora, I trust you can give them a warm welcome back?” asked Nightmare Moon. “A welcome as warm as winter’s chill. We’ll defeat these ponies of Ponyville,” answered [Zecora]. “As for me, I’ll make sure to bring about eternal night by using my Element of Mayhem to push the moon in front of the sun and keep it there, even if it means having it move with the sun as it rises! My sister won’t be able to rise the sun if the moon is permanently in the way and Twilight will fall at the hooves of my superior plan!” stated Nightmare Moon. *She laughs evilly* “Here they come now,” said Scar Sting. [On the castle ground floor…] “Nightmare Moon, come on out, we’re here to take you down once and for all!” ordered Twilight. “So you decided to come here once more. Too bad there will be no encore,” said [Zecora]. *The door closes behind and locks* “We ain’t leavin’ without you being returned to normal and Nightmare Moon defeated,” protested Applejack. “You foals wish to fight? You must understand that we’ll be the winners by tonight,” replied [Zecora]. “There’s too much at stake for us to lose but you all have nothing to gain,” said Twilight. “When we win, we’ll have everything to gain. Your loss will give you nothing but suffering and pain,” remarked [Zecora]. “As if we plan on losin’ to y’all,” said Applejack. “Yeah, bring it on!” said Patch. “We’re not scared of you,” said Melody. “I am,” said Clover. “That’s alright, Clover, we’ll take care of things here,” said Bright Eyes. “I will be out of this as well, I am not getting this delicate mane dirty,” said Rarity. *She sits next to Clover* “It matters not who I face. I will put you all in your place,” stated [Zecora]. “Why not have a go at us then?” suggested Applejack. “I will, since you asked. Prepare to have your hopes dashed!” announced [Zecora] “Time for a special spell. Everypony, join forces,” said Twilight. *The others except Rarity and Clover join Twilight* “No spell for you, only our victory will do!” proclaimed [Zecora]. *She launches a spell of her own* “Ready…..,” started Twilight. *She and the others begin glowing* “…….aim……,” continued Applejack. *Twilight’s glow gets stronger* “FIRE!” said Applejack and Twilight together. *Twilight launches a spell back at [Zecora] and it manages to return Zecora to normal* “What am I doing here? Is that laughter coming into my ears?” questioned Zecora. “It worked!” said Twilight. “Yeehaw! You’re back to normal, Zecora!” shouted Applejack with joy. “Now you can help us take down Nightmare Moon and save Ponyville, Zecora,” said Twilight. “You won’t even be able to save yourself! You foals may have returned Zecora to normal but if you wish to harm me, you’ll have to harm your friend!” said Nightmare Moon coming down the stairs.