Previously on Of Mare and Moon… “You can do magic?” asked Bright Eyes. “Like card tricks?” added Patch. “Real magic is only something you get once you’re born. All other magic is just smoke and mirrors,” said Twilight. “What is all this commotion I hear? Is it something I should fear?” questioned Zecora walking up to them. “You cured us from the Poison Joke and that makes you our friend,” said Twilight. “You make a good point and I have to agree. I will become friends with you three,” replied Zecora. “Yeehaw, welcome to our group, Zecora,” proclaimed Applejack. [Back in Pon-Evil…] “Your little friendship won’t last much longer once my friends and I unleash our surprise!” proclaimed Nightmare Moon. *she laughs* “Why don’t ya’ll show your magic right now?” suggested Applejack to Trixie. “I’ll use it to put you away forever, Applejack,” announced Trixie. “Guys, we don’t have time for this. Let’s just move on and get back to figuring out how to take down Nightmare Moon,” said Twilight. “Nightmare Moon? Is she a creature to be arriving soon?” questioned Zecora. “I don’t know for sure but according to Princess Celestia, she’s coming back,” explained Twilight. “How will we defeat her without the others?” asked Applejack. “I thought we were going to help you?” questioned Melody. “You can but Nightmare Moon is not something to take lightly. My friends and I had to work together to take her down last time and who knows how much her powers may have increased since then,” replied Twilight. “What’s up with that pony?” asked Bon Bon. *The group turns to see* “Legend has it that that’s a pony named Ditsy Doo but so far she only has a fan name of Derpy Hooves,” explained Twilight. “Why is she named that?” asked Starlight. “At times, her eyes are such that one points up while the other points down, giving that look like you got hit on the head or the Derpy look,” answered Twilight. *Derpy Hooves continues flying randomly* “Muffins!” shouted Derpy. (Derpy Hooves for short). “Somepony during the Winter Wrap Up talked about a pony named Ditsy Doo, which other ponies say might be this one,” remarked Applejack. “What muffins is she talking about?” asked Bright Eyes. “I’m sure that’s something only that pony knows,” said Patch. “Twilight, what was that Poison Joke you mentioned two days ago?” asked Bon Bon. “It’s funny way of playing a joke on you. My horn was messed up when I was in it so I couldn’t do magic, which is something I normally can do,” explained Twilight. “I was the big sister over my little sister Apple Bloom but after encounterin’ that blue plant, I became the little sister and that ain’t no fun at all,” added Applejack. “Spike got a good laugh about it too,” said Twilight. “SPIKE?!” questioned the Tales group simultaneously. “He’s a baby dragon that helps me out. Here he comes now,” replied Twilight. “Did I hear someone call my name?” asked Spike(This is the G3 version as shown in “The Princess Promenade”). “Good, Spike, you’re here,” sighed Twilight. “I think I have just the thing to help you take down that Nightmare Moon creature you keep talking about. How about this one?” stated Spike.*Twilight looks at the title* “This is a book on cooking recipes,” said Twilight puzzled. *Spike laughs* “Silly me, I forgot to take that one out of the pile. Try this one,” explained Spike. *He hands Twilight another book* “Mare Tales for Dumb Ponies,” read Twilight. “I’ve heard of those books, they’re for ponies who don’t know about the particular subject they’re about. There’s a whole series on them,” said Bright Eyes. “How can a book this strange possibly help us? Nightmare Moon could arrive at any time and I’d hate to find out that this book is not helpful,” thought Twilight.