Character Sheet for Billy Nipper
Character Description
Even though she's 38, Billy is a teen at heart. She's always talking to or hanging out with her friends and she's into sports, gaming and partying. She comes from a tribe that lives outside of Diegoltun in the forests though her heart belongs to civilization. As a job she digs up truffles in the forest and trades them in town to get money for clothes and tools for her tribe. She has a boyfriend in her tribe called Chad who she likes but doesn't love and her family are eager for Billy to marry and settle down. Billy on the other hand has plans to leave the tribe behind and live in Diegoltun. If you wanna be friends with Billy your best bet is to get into Dolly's circle of friends.
Billy's relationship with Dolores Manning
Billy is very much a teen girl mentality although she's old enough to be a mother. She likes to have fun and be with friends and dislikes the monotony of work and responsibility. That said she's always the first to defend her friends and is a strong believer in charity. She much prefers civilization to living in her tribe in the wild. She can be lazy sometimes and likes her drink a bit too much. She's often talking to her friends either face to face or via electronic gadgets. She likes kids but would never make a good mom. She can be a bit intolerant of boys and she finds their behavioral quirks as tedious and boringly typical. For a tribal person she's very much into modern trends especially video games. She often eats very unhealthy food but burns off the calories with excessive amounts of sporting activities.
likes video games, sports, having a night on the town with her girls, tongue twisters and wine, dislikes people eating Nipperscorp in front of her, racists, people who like the Vuki, having to be responsible and people who attack her friends.
Billy's race, the Bilscorp, used to be hunted for food long ago by the Vuki, who used to dominate Monsterville. Even today people from Monsterville regularly eat Nipperscorp, which is a non-anthropomorphic relative of the Bilscorp. For that reason the Bilscorp have stayed away from civilization for many years but there are some that have integrated into society. Billy is one of the tribal Bilscorp that live around the Olrit area. She regularly visits Diegoltun to trade truffles she finds in the forest for useful things for her tribe like clothes and tools. Unlike the rest of her extensive family she's a lot more hip to the trend as she not only understands civilized society completely but she's even able to keep up with current trends. She met Dolly many years ago and has been her friend since although Tray has never met her himself. Recently Billy's family want her to marry. She's been dating a boy named Chad for about a year and even though she likes him she doesn't love him and is not ready to settle down yet.
Billy's family live around the Olrit area. They are quite an expansive family but they generally don't live near civilization. She has parents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, nephews, neices, etc. I could name them all but it would take forever. She also has a boyfriend named Chad. Everyone wants her to marry him but she's reluctant to settle down.
The Valhalor world is a mixture between real-world, fantasy and sci-fi settings with the second item being a more dominant factor. There are 8 islands in Valhalor, 5 of which are divided into multiple countries. Many years ago there was a war between the Dozers of Meka Island and the Yovans of South Island, which resulted in Valhalor being divided into 2 warring alliances. Monsterville is a country in South Island that is strongly fantasy themed, though Olrit county in particular is very much modern day. Monsterville is mostly forested and has a European look. It's home to a lot of unusual wildlife and often hazardous kinds. Diegoltun City is the main setting for the Monsterville game which this character is from. The city has a wide range of businesses from shops, craft works and restaurants to offices, entertainment and tourist attractions. There are also several smaller villages around Diegoltun and the city itself is sat next to a much larger city known as Olrit.
Her skin is a thick leathery armor in a dull red color, the inside of her mouth and ears are orange as is her eyes. She has orange wedge shaped beaks for hands and feet as well as one as her nose and on her tail tip.
orange leather t-shirt, hot pants and bandanna.
can shoot poisonous darts from her hands, feet, mouth and tail. sometimes wears an improvised backpack that can't carry any large items.