It is partly what I wanted to go for with my own 3D pony modes. I was torn between keeping the look fully like the ones on the gen4 FIM cartoon, and the look of a real pony. I made a bit of a trade off, and settled on something in-between.
But what you have done here looks so much better than what I came up with as a model. The head, neck, body and legs, even the wings, all have the right detail I originally wanted with mine. Mine has some of it, but just not this good, or as much of it.
Oh' wow! I really like this look. It is partly what I wanted to go for with my own 3D pony modes.
Striking the balance between the cute show style and realism is very difficult. I'm still not entirely happy with my trade offs myself, but I guess that's just the life of a learning artist. Good luck with your models!
Thank you ^^ Striking the balance between the cute show style and realism is very difficult. I'm st