A combiner team created by Paradrox using the the disembodied Sparks and Personality Processors of Renegade Decepticons (This type of isolation being a common punishment for Renegades as seen in "Starscreams Brigade") They are:
Point The leader of the group. He's target driven, loyal and has a annoying habit of pointing out the obvious. Has a small unrequited crush on Soundwave. He knows it'll never be returned but the crush lingers.
Staple Team mom with a temper. Staple is the guy that keeps the group together and prevents arguments as they distress him. Unfortunately this can be used to someone else's advantage.
Duct Bit of a snotty asswipe who spends too long playing games or just annoying people with his tape.
Clinch Loves to fight, let's actions speak for him. Like Galvatt he rarely speaks but when he does growl a word or two out he's often polite,
Click Can utilize a shield that is extraordinarily good at deflecting physical attacks. Not good with energy based one. He often rambles and tends to talk to himself more than others.
And then there's THANATOR Their combined form who can only shout and yell. He's always angry and tries to fight and kill everything that he's pointed towards. He has a terrible sweet tooth though and can be instantly calmed down with a Energon-lolly.
And yes if their alt modes don't give it away or the term "Micro-cons" they are SMALL meaning Thanator is barely the size of a Mini-con. A normal sized mech can carry any of these guys in one hand, hence why Thanator never quite gets to murder anyone.