More Spyro fan art before I can finally go and pack my luggage.
SO OKAY a while ago I made Cynder’s classic form. But after some thinking time I thought I was kinda wrong with it. I mean, she must belong to one of the races in dragon kingdom and look like it, sooooo I made kinda redesign of her, + added Flame and Ember.
I have no idea why some people put Flame and Ember as Piece Keepers, I mean, I don’t mind at all, I just wonder xd So I put Flame as an Artisan, obviosly because he looks like Spyro fucking developers of Hero’s Tail couldn’t work more on his design but on fucking long and boring levels thank you. At least he looks a bit more different from Spyro.
I put Ember as a Dream Weaver, because of her sofrt colors. Imo, she looks better as a Dream Weaver BUT DON’T GET ME WRONG if people put her as a Peace Keepers - I don’t blame them, no waaay. I shouldn’t act like an asshole only because of fanart.
Cynder fits Beast Makers with her colors, too, also, added her more spikes.