I finally finished Twi and Flutters yesterday night, and decided to wait until next day to post these, because it takes some time to write description.
Once on my birthday my host mom from first family took me in bird park. And you know what? I wanted to stay there. Because theRE'RE SO MANY PARROTS AAAA yes I love birds. I always wanted to have yellow and blue macaw buuut I think that's not gonna ever happen, haha.
While I was on Amazon trip, me and other people were fishing piranhas but we didn't get any :(, we saw reAL FUCKING ANACONDA AAAA it has so smooth skin, I wanted to pet it over and over, I also lifted it and it was so heavy, I thought I'm gonna die; we took pictures of sloth with tiny baby. AND. Guides, in the dark, at night, somehow, cought for us baby alligator first, then bigger one. They have smooth skin too. Also, I learned alligators smell like a fish. Because. I actually smelled it. And it smells like the actual fish. Dammit I didn't expect that.
That's true Brazil has a lot of animals, but also remember: there're a lot of spiders, really really tiny aunts, and big aunts, centipendses, once I even got a slug in my room AND the most scary thing FLYING GIANT COCKROACHES so if you're scaried of insects and spiders as hell - don't go to Brazil, especially when it's summer ;)
I mean, I hate cockroaches, but I do love spiders and insects, so I was fine every time I saw a tiny spider.
Also, I've noticed that a lot of people have dogs, mostly small ones. And seems like they don't even train their dogs not to bark on everything that moves: in the middle of the night, if one dog starts barking, every other dog starts barking too. I guess when I get back to home, I'll finally can take a rest from all those noises.
I'm going to release full resolution soon, I just need some time to preapre everything and make sure everything works.
8 years, 9 months ago
06 Jun 2016 19:07 CEST
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