The Big Forest
Minty is playing with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. Minty said, “why not we go camping. I bet it will be so much fun, roast marshmallows, tell scary stories and best thing yet, lay in the green grass.”
Sweetie Belle said, “I going to ask Rarity if she wants to go with us. She should have some sleeping bags that be just our size.”
Apple Bloom said, “I am going to ask Applejack about marshmallows. I love to roast them on the fire pit.”
Scootaloo start to smile. She said, “I can look for some sticks so we can roast the marshmallows.” She run off to the forest.
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both run off to get their stuff, leaving Minty alone on the dirt path. She said, “I better get home too. I know I can get some Minty candy canes and get some green socks to wear for the camp.” She walk home herself.
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Minty all three got to the spot where they was suppose to be. Apple Bloom said, “where is Scootaloo.”
Minty said, “lets go hunt Scootaloo. I hope she did not get into trouble.”
Sweetie Belle said, “lets get the others to help us.” The three run off again to get help.
Minty run off to get Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. She runs to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle got to the door and open it. Minty runs in and said, “Twilight, I need help. Scootaloo runs to the forest alone to get fire wood.”
Twilight Sparkle said, “I will go and help you found her. I hope she did not go toward Princess Luna's old castle. That place is scary.”
Spike said, “I want to go to Twilight. I never had a chance for a search party.”
Twilight Sparkle said, “we will need all ponies for this job.”
Minty said, “I am off to see Pinkie Pie. I see you at the circle.” She then run off to Pinky Pies house.
Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle is helping Rarity with the sleeping bags. At first Rarity is not listening to what Sweetie Belle is saying. Sweetie Belle said, “Rarity, please listen. Scootaloo is missing.”
Rarity said, “why not say that earlier? I want to help look for her. I will drop all my stuff just to found your friend.”
Sweetie Belle then look at Rarity and have a sweet drop going down her side. She said to herself, “I try sister.” Rarity and Sweetie Belle both run off to the revenue point.
Meanwhile, Apple Bloom is on her farm with Applejack. Applejack is outside. Apple Bloom run up and said, “Apple Jack, I need your help sis. Scootaloo went missing.”
Applejack said, “lets go Apple Bloom. Time is wasting. The sooner we can found her, the better.”
Apple Bloom said, “I need to look for Rainbow Dash. I will get to the revenue point in a few minutes.”
Apple Bloom and Applejack both went different directions.
Meanwhile, back to Minty. Minty runs up to the trees and see Fluttershy. She climbs up to the tree and said, “Fluttershy, can I get some help. Scootaloo is missing and I need your help.”
Fluttershy said, “I will help you. I will get my animal friends to help you found your friend Minty.”
Minty smiles and said, “thank you Fluttershy. I bet your bird and butterfly friends will help us a lot.”
Minty and Fluttershy both run to the revenue point. Fluttershy said, “what you fillies doing anyway?”
Minty said, “we are going camping. I want to see if we can get our beauty marks out in the wild, but close to home as well.”
Fluttershy said, “that is good. We will found Scootaloo.”
Meanwhile, back to Apple Bloom. She climb up the tree. She said, “Rainbow Dash, we need your help.”
Rainbow Dash fly down and said, “what you need Apple Bloom? You see I am training a few new pegasus ponies for the Wonderbolts.”
Apple Bloom said, “Scootaloo become missing. We need all the help we can get to found her.”
Minty said, “well then, lets get going.” She start to fly to the middle of town while Apple Bloom runs to the town square.
Twilight Sparkle said, “lets go to Princess Luna's old castle. She is heading that direction and right now, Spike is looking for the old map.”
Rainbow Dash said, “it should be a easier time to get there. Princess Luna is not there anymore. I just help we can found her.” The ponies start to walk their way through the forest.
Half the way threw the forest, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Minty all three are starting to get a bit scared. Fluttershy walk to the three to encourage them. She said, “we will walk together.”
Sweetie Belle said, “thanks Fluttershy. You are a good friend with kindness.”
Twilight Sparkle said, “we will found them. Trust me, I will not give up.”
Applejack said, “Twilight, we will never give up until we see our friend, Scootaloo to the other three little fillies.”
The ponies got through the forest and into the cavern. Rainbow Dash said, “the bridge is still there. It is still standing.”
Pinkie Pie said, “lets hurry and cross it. I really do not like heights. It is not my best friend.”
The ponies start to cross the bridge except of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who is flying on the other side of the cavern. They got to the castle. Rarity said, “hey, look, it is Scootaloo.”
Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Minty all three run to their friend. The four are so happy to be reunited. Scootaloo said, “I got lost in the forest and did not know how to get back.”
Twilight Sparkle said, “lets hurry home. We are all should be a bit tired and we will love to camp out tonight, eating marshmallows, telling ghost stories, and look at the stars.”
The ponies are all starting back to the city. Minty said, “we still do not have our cutie marks. Getting cutie marks are hard to get.”
Pinkie Pie said, “not worry about the cutie marks, you four will get them when you girls grow up.”
Rarity said, “I got sleeping bags for all of you. Lets stop by my shop and we will pass them all off.” Rarity start to pass off her sleeping bags.
Minty said, “I love my green sleeping bag. Thanks a lot Rarity. You are nice.” The ponies start to head to the edge of the forest and set up the tent.
Scootaloo said, “we will have much fun.”
Sweetie Belle said, “I can not wait to hear stories. I want to hear some from Twilight Sparkle.”
Rarity said, “I do too my little sister, I do too.”
Fluttershy said, “the fire started and lets get the stories going.” She start on telling a scary story while the rest listen.