The largest ship in the fleet. At 1.2mi (2KM) the Nova class is no one's cockleshell.
Designed for long duration "Deep Probe" missions into the unknown of up to 20 years (Or even longer), she has the full self sufficiency to function as a mobile colony station.
Recent events, however, have precluded that mission as her abilities have been in more demand on the frontlines and in the Edge worlds as warships and traveling governmental/law enforcement centers.
Her most dominant features (other than sheer size) are the large finlike lattices at the stern. While they can and do function as cooling radiators for the onboard systems and engines, their main function is as propulsion units themselves. The MHD (Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic) vanes are capable of the full range of sublight speeds and some limited low warp speeds and can even levitate the ship in a planet's own magnetic field.
The main hull structure utilizes mega-column building techniques to support the ship when the Structural-Integrity Forcefields are not in operation. These mega columns are mainly visible as the "trusswork" covering the main hull, and are used mainly for transport, utilities distribution and weapons and shield hardpoints.
The class plays host to about 16 squadrons of various types and missions (12 of which are various fighter types and 4 transport/utility) housed in a 2 level main hangar and flight deck that stretches most of the ships length along the dorsal levels of the main hull. Launch and recovery is handled through launch catapult airlocks (fighters only) and through the stern mounted recovery bays (all).
The rest of the space is taken up with the usual variety of living, work and machinery spaces without which no ship can function. With the addition of extensive agricultural and market spaces for crew, resident and visitor needs and comfort.
The weapons loadout is pretty standard for a ship this size. Except for the twin fixed-mount main-cannon in the bow. These massive weapons are multi-modal in that they are capable of launching a barrage of GRASER (Gamma-Ray LASER) beams, Anti-plasma bolts, Protoculture beams, and the most gratuitously overpowered of all; The Concussion Beam. The Concussion Beam is achieved by combining the first three into one. This level of power is, however, of limited use as it is: 1) Grossly overpowered for most applications; 2) The "Concussion" in the name comes from the unfortunate habit of the recoil forces triphammering through the ship's structure in spite of the Kinetic Dampers, Structural Integrity Forcefields, and Inertia Dampers installed to control them.
Length: 2KM (1.2mi)
Height: 0.4KM (0.3mi)
Beam: 0.45KM (0.38mi)
52 short range aerospace defense PHASER turrets, co-mounted with;
52 mid-range air to air/anti-ship missile launchers.
12 long range anti-ship/surface bombardment missile launchers.
2 bow-mounted fixed multi-modal main cannon (GRASER, Antiplasma, Protoculture, [combined] Concussion)
12 squadrons, various fighter craft (10 VF-1 Thundercat air superiority; 2 AF-205 Excalibur fighter-bomber
3 squadrons, transport/airlift
1 support/search and rescue
Duty: 2500
Civilian resident: 2500
Visitors/VIP: 250
The Nova Class is (with one notable exception) named after astronomical objects or phenomena.
Hull# Name (notes) Commander
MHX1000- Nova (Class ship) Capt. Mark Digama
MH1001- Quasar Capt. M'Ress
MH1002- Collapsar (Stolen from shipyard, Pirate vessel, Approach with extreme caution) Col. Mummarsan Khadafal (Wanted for Piracy, high Treason, Genocide, Approach with extreme caution)
MH1003- Blazar Capt. R'Cannel
MH1004- Black Hole (Replacement for ,Collapsar) Capt. Frachniosan Vrarchnal
MH1005- Enterprise (Popular demand succeeded in gaining waiver on class naming convention) Capt. Maria Sanchez
MH1006- Supernova (under construction)
MH1007- Solar Storm (under construction)
MH1008- Magnetar (contract pending)
MH1009- Constellation (contract pending)
MH1010- Galaxy (contract pending)
MH1011- Dark Matter (contract pending)
MH1012- Big Bang (contract pending)
13 years, 9 months ago
10 Jun 2011 14:31 CEST
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