Character Sheet for Rupture.
Rups, Ruppi (only those close to them have permission to use them.)
None. Prefers to go by they/them, Ze/Zir etc.
Cybertronian age is odd considering their lifespans compared to ours. Rupture is considered a Young Adult/Late Teen and comparatively 19-21 in human years.
Character Description
Rupture was naturally 'fashioned' as Ze grew to eventually rule the Decepticons as they're the eldest, thusly being the 'heir'. Despite the need to have them rule eventually Rupture and their twin were allowed to pursue their own interests.
When they were young Rupture found a small "Energon Leech" and, much to Galvatron's chagrin, adopted the small creature as a pet.
Nipper was the beginning of Ruptures love of leeches and limbless creatures.
Rupture has since used Nipper in many experiments even producing two types of weaponised leech simply referred to as "Attack Leeches" or "Mind Worms".
To those who do not know them Rupture appears cold, calculating, distant and aloof.
It takes time but once you get closer to them Rupture's real nature shows out as actually being emotionally awkward and surprisingly tolerant of others. Rupture does unfortunately have a creaking point and can explode into a brief moment of furious rage. These don't last long but can be very violent.
Likes - Limbless creatures, Psychology, Hot drinks.
Dislikes - Being touched by people they are not comfortable with, being interrupted mid-sentence by something/someone ‘unimportant'.
Rupture admires their parents - Galvatron and Cyclonus - and wants to impress them both.
Paradrox - Identical twins, Rupture shares a bond with them due to how their Sparks came to be. Paradrox and Rupture work well together, Paradrox helps Rupture socialize better while Rupture keeps Paradrox's behaviour in check.
Cyclotron - Rupture is often exasperated by his paranormal interests but can't really deny their brother when they ask for help.
Galvatt - Rupture is very fond of their youngest sibling, and thinks he will grow up to be great and shows exemplary characteristics.