Status: ***
Species: Wolf-Sheep
Love: ...
Friends: List of them is long...
Enemies: Most of them ate by her pet.
Likes: Flowers, dandelions, summer time, meadows, cotton candies, falling snow, music, rain, rainbows, her claws sharp.
Dislikes: When her pet vanishes somewhere or starts chasing random passer by, upsad sisters...
Personal Quote: "Ain't nothing but a heartache..."
Fun Fact:
~Prefer to be called Dan
~Monster behind girl is her pet-friend
~When she is whimping this may be soundless for mortals but not for demons, devills etc.
When she does it it usually ends with summoning/confusing this kind of creatures and it's the way how she get this kind of thing as pet.
~The best relationship have with Frivoli, from her 5 sisters she is the youngest.
~At the morning her fur is turning almost white
Her mother had two times heart failure because of Dan's gift it's the way why she does left mother so early and let her live in peace.
8 years, 9 months ago
24 May 2016 05:24 CEST
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