HOLY-! This took even LONGER! There was so much stuff to do with this one. Please do me a favor and favorite this page and stare at it forever. Just look at every last detail I added to it and let me know that you did and tell me about all of what they're wearing, doing, and how the match-ups are and what not. I need to feel like the time I spent exhausting myself on this page was worth it. I had to draw literally all the characters in this comic series on this one page. All 22 characters! Plus the two huge ass cars! AND I had to shade everything and add in the grassy backgrounds as well as figure out how to fit in the speed-line background and figure out the different designs for their clothes. It's done! Thank God it's done! DONE!
Get that shit on the internet! NOW!
Alright so these are the match-ups for the three rounds of the race. As stated in the last pages, the ones who didn't work on the karts will be racing. Wave and Eggman supervised and made sure that Rouge, Knuckles, and Omega built it correctly while Tails did the same for his team. For a reminder, here are the teams.
You Know That Silver The Hedgehog Drinks Chocolate Flavored Water It Was Marine The Racoon That Did It. And I Still See Tails Forgot His Pants Because Of Charmy Bee.
You Know That Silver The Hedgehog Drinks Chocolate Flavored Water It Was Marine The Racoon That Did