This was a collab between myself and Solargem. I had a lot of fun doing this. She did the sketch and I did the inks, shading, and coloring. She did the final tweaks and behold!! *points at the image* Isn't it lovely?
I must say I love to collab with people. It's such a jump from my everyday stuff. (Since I don't usually draw 2D stuff. :D ) But I do love making backgrounds, inking, and coloring. It's just so relaxing since I don't have to reload a texture, or things I normally have to do in 3D.
Lovely collab you guys! =D That's one cute fox girl. You are gosh darn good with color composition Ima (darn enviable actually) XD The subtle shading fits perfectly with the setting, and makes her all the more charming!
It's great that you had fun with this too. A change of pace every now and then is recharging.
Lovely collab you guys! =D That's one cute fox girl. You are gosh darn good with color composition