-art: emergency commission streams and partnered up with one of my really good friends :@resi-chibi to get this little deviant idea >|3
Here we have King Anthony (Left) and introducing one of the several other King's next to Anthony's rule over the Heavens, King Daniel (right) Who both seem to be testing how "durable" the land of Heavens can be by pressing the little floating isle between their perfect pectorals.......Although it doesn't seem like the Heavens is gonna last that much longer huehuehue >B3
Oh well~....Im sure Apollo and the other Gods and Goddesses might enjoy their new homes......Squished inbetween Anthony and Daniel's thick pecs hehehehe >|3
There will certainly be more shenanigans with these two and of course the other members of the Kingly hierarchy as well
Still have yet to see
King Matthew The Cat King Maximillion The Hedgehog and Queen Lazy The Arctic Fox