Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on Oct 12th, 2011 12:29 PM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 29 views and 0 favorites.
~! Re-Uploaded because I spotted a couple spelling errors that were driving me nuts being left unfixed !~
Done for my DMA233 Typography Class
I didn't think it was possible for a college class to make me hate something I love doing but this did lol.
Normally I love designing CD, Movie and Record Jackets but when I'm not aloud to use anything other than Text and Shapes my mind goes "SHIT WHAT DO WE DO D: LIMITED CREATIVITY DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!"
But I dragged my flank through it and finally got it "finished" I'll probably end up changing something months down the line but for now FINISHED.
So yep, here it is the Pack Mentality CD cover using only Type and Shapes.
You watchers should know most of my characters. OR SHOULD *shifty glarey eyes* but you may notice a new one there. J.R is a character I developed in my head years ago but never put to paper as a horns player. J.R cleverly or uncleverly stands for Jack Rabbit even though it should technically be J.J.R Johnny Jack Rabbit