Chip: So Sonic why are we just standing here again
Sonic: I told you Chip Amy wanted to go into the forest and she wanted me to wait right here
Chip: (sighs) Ok
5 mins later
Amy: SONIC!!!
Sonic: And here she comes
Amy: Hey Sonic ready
Sonic: Yup (smiling at her)
Both of them of start to walk into the forest
Sonic: Hey Amy
Amy: Yes Sonic
Sonic: Do you want it to be night time or day time scene
Amy: Ummm night scene
Sonic: Ok then … hey SonAmyfan1993 we need a night scene
SonAmyfan1993: Ok Sonic come on guys we need a night scene now
Worker: Right boss
Chip: (flies over to me and holds out a bar of chocolate) here want some chocolate
SonAmyfan1993: Um no thanks Chip I don't like chocolate
Chip: Oh Ok
Worker: Ok boss there you go
SonAmyfan1993: Good good
Sonic: Thanks SonAmyfan1993
SonAmyfan1993: Oh please just call me Brandon
Sonic: Ok Son oops … I mean Brandon (looks over at Amy) hmm Amy what's the matter your shaking
Amy: Oh it's nothing
Sonic: Um ok, ok we're ready Brandon
SonAmyfan1993: Ok guys and … ACTION!!!
Sonic: Woooo did It just get dark all of a sudden what the heck happened to the sun
Amy: Yeah what happened (looks at the moon)
Sonic: (looks at Amy and whispers) I know it so that's why she was shaking
Amy: (looks at Sonic) so why are you looking at me
Sonic: … Amy I know why you were shaking … it's because of my Werehog form isn't it
Amy: Ho – how di – did you know
Sonic: I saw you looking up at the moon
Amy: Oh
Sonic: Amy don't worry he can't hurt you like Dark Sonic can when I change its still me please don't be afraid please … well it's almost 9:30 (sighs and waits for 9:30) AHHHHHHHHH
Amy: (runs and hides behind a tree)
Sonic: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (changes into Werehog form)
Chip: Hey Sonic are you ok … ohh I see you changed again
Werehog Sonic: Yeah … wait where's Amy … AMY!!!
Amy: … (terrified at the sight of Sonic's Werehog form)
Werehog Sonic: Amy … Amy please come on its still me please (starts to cry turns around and starts to walk away with his head down)
Chip: Hey Sonic does Amy always get scared when you changed
Werehog Sonic: Chip … can we please not talk about it my heart is already in enough pain
Chip: Oh ok Sonic
Werehog Sonic: (stops and turns around) Amy … if only you could see me as just Sonic and not a monster (starts to walk again and still crying)
Amy: (comes out from behind the tree and falls to her knees) what have I done (starts to cry)
Chip: Here Sonic I think you need this (flies over to Sonic and gives him a hug)
Werehog Sonic: Thanks … Chip
Werehog Sonic: Huh that sounded like Amy (starts to run on all fours in the direction the scream came from)
Werehog Sonic: OH NO (sees three Dark Gaia Titans trying to attack Amy)
Chip: Get them Sonic
Werehog Sonic: (growls) LEAVE HER ALONE (charges at one of the Titans goes right through it and destroys it) HA COME ON IS THAT THE BEST YOU GO … (gets crushed by one of their hammers then gets stepped on) GAAHHHHH (coughs up a little blood)
Amy: No Sonic
Werehog Sonic: (GROWLS) GET OFF ME (throws the Titan off him and charges at it and destroys it)
Werehog Sonic: Now where is that last Titan
Werehog Sonic: (turns around) OH SH … (gets hit with the Titans hammer and sends Sonic flying)
Werehog Sonic: (has a really pissed of look on his face) OK NOW YOU MADE ME MAD AND YOU'VE FORCED ME TO USE MY ULTIMATE ATTACK … AHHHHH (powering up then goes into unleashed mode) HA HA HA YOUR SCREWED NOW BUDDY (charges at the Titan and starts punching it then it's destroyed) Tsk (looks at you then starts to walk away)
Amy: Sonic
Werehog Sonic: (stops) what do you want
Amy: Are you mad at me
Werehog Sonic: ... no I'm not (starts to cry)
Amy: Sonic (runs over to him) what's wrong
Werehog Sonic: It ... it's just your always so scared of this form everyone treats me like I'm some kind of monster they just scream and run
Amy: A-am.. sorry
Werehog Sonic: Your just saying that to make me feel better but you don't really mean it no one ever does I just want to talk to them but they just run away (crying harder)
Amy: Yes i mean it sonic (get's closer)
Werehog Sonic: (still crying)
Amy: I didn't mean to hurt your feeling Sonic
Werehog Sonic: (stops crying) you ... you mean it (walks over to you gives you a hug)
Amy: (hugs Sonic back)
Werehog Sonic: Thank you Amy (get's closer to her face) ... Amy I
Amy: Yes
Werehog Sonic: I'm sorry
Amy: I should be the one
Werehog Sonic: (kisses Amy then backs away) I'm sorry your probably terrofired sorry (turns around and walks away with his head down)
Amy: Sonic please don't go
Werehog Sonic: Why not I know your scared of this form everyone is and I'm pretty sure you just got scared that I kissed you in this form
Amy: You got that wrong I … I actually liked the kiss
Werehog Sonic: (stops and turns around) oh really chuckles
Amy: Really i mean it
Werehog Sonic: ok then (grabs Amy and smirks then kisses her breaks away) how did you like that Amy
Amy: Amazing
Werehog Sonic: (smirks) want another one
Amy: No thanks
Werehog Sonic: Oh ok come on Amy let's go home.
Amy: Ok Sonic (smiling at him)
Werehog Sonic: (smiles back at her)