Character Sheet for baozhai
thunderous monkey of the peach mountains
Character Description
very cocky, stern calm and caring
training, protecting her home and clan from outsiders taking naps and meditation
a descandant of a very anicent clan and descendant of sung mi kong a female warrior who led their clan against the demon argus 4000 years ago aiding regulus to help unite all of mobius against the fallen echidna. baozhai right now lives within chun-nan high up in the mountain regions where she teaches students of hers two martial arts styles way of the open palm and closed fist which are styles that was passed down from her family down to her with her brother zao having a more closed fist mindset where he does forces the two to come to blows at times due to them having two very different schools of martial arts.
parents: ren and sung-may-alive (living in emerald city)
young brother zao-alive
her clan tatto is on her back which is the symbol of a sun and a nimbus cloud
a warrior monk style with prayer beans around her neck
prayer beabs around her neck and a weapon called a wol do halbert styled weapon