Panda (on the beach towel): The perv hating cake loving Pandaren girl who goes by Captain Cake when playing superhero. She is sporting a turquoise one-piece swimsuit with a cake on the front and relaxing on a lavender beach towel with same cake on it. ME: She really loves cake.
Ann, a.k.a. Super Dog (on stool beside Panda): The Purroian virgin with a green thumb. She is sporting a pink two-piece bikini with the Superman inspired "Superdog" logo on the top. Her hair is also in a ponytail (like the ones after her.) so out of her eyes. ME: I can imagine her saying "I'm a Superdog".
Angela Maximus (standing): The younger sister of former character Angelina Maximus (now named B. Vehry under kaokao) She is sporting a green one-piece with a lightning bolt on the front and is topped off with a dark red sarong. She also tops the outfit off with a green sweatband.
Yue Fireflower (stool beside Angela): The completely deaf Pandaren Mage and rightful heir to the throne of Pandaria. She sports a baby blue one-piece with a pink heart on the front. The hearing aid is mandatory for her to hear.