I went and saw the Ratchet and Clank movie yesterday and I have to say, that overall, it was alright. Nothing really to spectacular, but nothing to bad. I shall tell you why I think so.
Story: Basically, Ratchet is a plucky little Lombax (his species name) who dreams of leaving his spaceship mechanic days to join the Galactic Rangers and is given a chance when the forces come to his planet to look for a new recruit. He is rejected and ends up meeting Clank, a Robot who escaped Chairman Drek's ship to search for the Galactic Rangers to put a stop to their evil plans. and that's pretty much it, there is the whole Ratchet does a heroic deed to end up joining them, and becomes famous for it, but there is nothing all that exciting or new when it comes to this story line. It's in no way horrendous or tedious, it's just not fresh. but I still thought it was solid in how it presented itself even if it's not all that original. It certainly doesn't help that one of the writer's and director on this film, Kevin Munroe, was responsible for such bad films as TMNT 2007, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night, and, a co-producer for last years animated January release, Strange Magic. I'm really not looking forward to him writing and directing their next video game animated film Sly Cooper. It can only get worst from here.
Characters: If you have played the games, you know who your getting into, but lets talk about them anyway. Ratchet (James Arnold Taylor, Ratchet and Clank game franchise, Obi Wan in Star Wars Clone Wars) is a Lombax who wishes to be part of that Galactic Rangers and do big things. Clank (David Kaye, Ratchet and Clank series, Cronus in Class of the Titans) is a robot who escapes the villains and befriends Ratchet and gives out helpful advice. Captain Qwark (Jim Ward, Ratchet and Clank Series, Jack Krauser in Resident Evil 4) is the egotistical leader of the Galactic Rangers who ends up getting jealous of Ratchet taking his fame. Chairman Drek (Paul Giamatti, Cinderella Man, Big Fat Liar) is head and commander of the Blarg race and wishes to destroy planets to make his own. Doctor Nefarious (Armin Shimerman, Ratchet and Clank series, Snyder on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is an evil scientist who assist Drek in his plans to build a better world. I, for the most part enjoyed some of these characters are their jokes, but what upsets me is the fact that the characters played by celebrities are acknowledge first then Ratchet or Clank, which is insulting given the movies namesake, not to mention a lot of the characters are one dimensional and don't have that deep of a personality other then 1 trait. I mean sure, you got Ratchet who went through a betrayal in the movie and ended up getting help from his friend Clank and the Galactic Rangers later on, but it doesn't do a whole lot with it.
Animation: If there is one thing that certainly needs complimenting is the animation. It really captures the style of the games and not once does it try to look different with character designs or environments, and even the designs are pretty creative thanks to the people at Insomniac who created the games for the PlayStation. However, that's where the compliments stop. They just look good and that's it. their is no well detailed environments or spectacular effects. they just look kind of generic, which is no surprise coming from the animation studio behind Escape from Planet Earth and those Barbie direct to DVD movies, as well as the first CGI animated series, Reboot. But I will admit, it is a step in the right direction if this studio wants to start competing with the likes of Disney Pixar, Illuminations, or DreamWorks, they just have a ways to go.
Music: I can say for the most part that the movie is what you would expect from it. the soundtrack has that "video game" like quality that does fit it and helps bring the world to light. Evan Wise (America's Got Talent, Flying Wild Alaska) has pretty much got that down pat, but it's just generic for the most part and didn't really suck me in as far as how enormous it could be. Your off on the right track though Evan, it's certainly better then Norm of the North's track.
In concluding, I say this film, for me, gets a 6 out of 10. I do admit, not having played the games and knowing much about the series, I fairly enjoyed it for what it had to offer me, but in terms of how original and state of the art it can be, it certainly has a long way to go. not to mention since critics are bashing it, we still have quite a ways till we actually get a "Good" video game film. For now though, I'd rather watch this again then last years Hitman movie. This one is hard to recommend to if your a family or if your a fan of the series, cause even I think fans of the series aren't gonna be all that pleased since I've been hearing that the movie is just a more extended cutscene of the video game they just released recently. I'd only recommend this maybe if you want to show your kids something before the next animated film comes out, or if you happen to be a fan of this series without looking for something fresh or new to the series, you'll probably get a kick out of it. it's your choice.
ratchet and clank
ratchet and clank movie
8 years, 10 months ago
05 May 2016 00:24 CEST
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