Donatello’s eyes were trained on the security alarm from the rooftop he and his brother was sitting on. His gaze followed a path along the wall and down to a power box connected to the wall, his fingers grazing along the mechanical scrambler in his belt.
“The security guards change shifts in about ten minutes, Mikey. I need you to cause enough of a distraction for me to compromise the alarm system.”
Their last mission hadn’t been as successful as he’d hoped, they’d got a lot of information on Oroku Saki but the files about Shredder and the foot were too encrypted for him to decipher. He’d have to take extra care while hacking into the database to scramble the firewalls, enough to let him download a clean version that he could access back at their lair but not enough to leave any trace.
He was pretty sure that the foot still didn’t know about them and he planned to keep it that way for as long as possible.
Michelangelo had been following him closely. "Aye aye, captain!" He said jokingly, turning around. "Distraction is my special- uh, Donnie?" Mikey pulled out his nunchaku from his belt. "I think that'll have to wait a minute."
It hadn't taken long for Leonardo and Raphael to find the two on the rooftop, heck, it had almost been too convenient in a way. Leonardo decided a direct approach would be best, and dropped down on the rooftop behind them, drawing one of his katanas slowly.
“Not know Mikey.” Donnie hissed, keeping a close eye on the men guarding the building. The sound of someone landing on the roof behind them made him turn around, quickly pulling his bo staff up in front of him as he stepping in front of his little brother before even getting a good look at their attacker. His eyes widened as he realised he was starting at another mutant turtle. “What?”
Raphael cursed under his breath as Leo went ahead and approached them directly. With a low growl of frustration he jumped from his hiding place in the shadows to land next to him, grabbing the handle of his katana but not drawing it from his sheath just yet.
"Uh, Donnie, I'm not looking into a mirror, am I?" Mikey spoke hesitantly, his grip on his nunchaku tightening.
"Who are you?" Leo demanded to know. "Why do you want our master's secrets and who are you working for?"
“No, Mikey your not.” Donnie voice was strong but quiet, looking at both of the new turtles curiously. At the other turtles words he inhaled sharply, apparently they weren’t careful enough on there last mission.
The two turtles didn’t seem as surprised to see them as they were, they must have somehow found out about them beforehand.
His eyes locked on the foot symbol they wore and he subconsciously took another step in front of his brother, tightening his grip on his staff. “Our fight isn’t with you, it’s with your master.” Donnie kept his voice steady even though he felt anything but calm.
Raph pulled his katana from it’s sheath, twirling it around his hands a few times as he let Leonardo take the lead. Talking wasn’t exactly his style, he was more a turtle of action.
His eyes looked both the strange turtles up and down curiously, they were barely wearing anything to cover themselves, not that that really mattered since you couldn’t see anything anyway.
"Our master's enemies are also ours." He pointed the blade at Donatello. "Drop your weapon. If you won't state your intentions to us, then we're taking you to master Shredder."
“We’re not going to go quietly. This is a matter of honouring Hamato Yoshi’s death, if the foot even have any sense of honour.” Donnie’s eyes narrowed, tensing in preparation for a fight, hoping that Mikey was ready as well.
Raph couldn’t help but grin at the olive turtle’s words. If there was one way to get Leo riled up it was to threaten his honour. Something about the name ‘Hamato Yoshi’ seemed familiar, but he couldn’t think why. Leo probably did, he tended to pay more attention then Raph did.
His eyes flicked to the turtle with the nunchaku, he’d stayed pretty quite throughout the whole thing and let the other one do all the talking. Not That Raph could say much about that since he was letting Leo do all the talking for them.
Just as Raph thought, the questioning of his honour made Leo's body tense in anger. "Ignorant fool. Have it your way." He got in position before leaping forward, swinging his katana at Donatello.
Mikey had been watching the exchange with a growing sense of dread. Why were they even fighting? Shouldn't they be freaking out because, uhm, four giant mutant turtles now?! Where did these guys even come from? When Leo moved forward, Mikey jumped back. "Don, watch out!"
Donatello was quick to block the attack with the end of his bo staff, sweeping the other end underneath Leonardo to try and trip him up. It would have been easier to dodge out of the way but he didn’t want to rist Mikey getting hit instead.
Raph watched Leo attack and chuckled to himself. They said Raph was the one with a short temper. Twirling his katana one more time he locked eyes with the other turtle as he called out.
“If I was you I be more worried about yourself then your friend.” He charged, determined not to let Leo have all the fun.
Leonardo jumped backwards, flipping out of the way before moving back in to strike again.
Raph's voice caught Mikey's attention, and Mikey stepped away from Don, starting to twirl his nunchaku. "Can't we talk about it?" He asked, continuing to back away. "Over coffee or something?"
Noticing that Mikey was moving, Donnie dodged out of the way, sliding past Leo to come up behind him aiming a strike to his side between shell and plastron.
“Sure we can talk.” Raph stopped in front of Mikey with a dangerous grin. “If you think you’ll be able to.”
Without any further warning he leapt at the smaller turtle, slashing his sword towards his right shoulder.
Leo was hit, but he used that to his advantage and grabbed the staff, holding onto it tightly. "Surrender and we won't harm you."
Mikey dodged, quick on his feet, and he delivered a hit towards the side of Raph's head.
“Forgive me for not believing the word of someone who serves under such a corrupt master.” Don spat out, making the most of how tightly Leo was holding the staff to use it to swing himself into a high kick aimed at the others head.
Raph stumbled back slightly from the hit, his eyes narrowed but his lips twitched up in a smirk. If this turtle could fight back then Raph wasn’t going to easy on him. He was a little rusty with the katana but he was a master at his sai. He sheathed the sword and pulled his main weapon of his belt. “So you wanna play, huh?”
The leaf-green turtle lost his hold on the staff, stumbling backwards before managing to straighten himself. "You'll regret those words." Leo gripped the katana tightly, once more charging at Don but this time he aimed a kick at Don's stomach.
Mikey did not like the expression on the other's face, hesitating a moment before his eyes narrowed and he moved back in, yelling out as he tried to get in more swift hits with his nunchaku.
Don tried to dodge out of the way but wasn’t quite fast enough, the kick sent him backwards airborne for a second before hitting the roof on his shell with a loud clash.
Raph was moving quickly to dodge the attacks, bringing one of his sai up to catch in the chains or the others weapon.
Leonardo was over him immediately, getting on top of him and pressing his blade against his throat. "I'll ask one last time: who are you and what do you want with our master?"
Mikey's nunchaku got stuck in Raph's chain, but the orange-banded turtle pulled back in an attempt to release it. He got distracted however when he saw his brother in danger. "Donnie!"
Raph used Mikeys distraction to send the others weapon flying across the rooftop. He grabbed Mikey’s now free hand and pulled it painfully behind his back, Raph’s other hand automatically lifted a sai up to slice his throat but managed to stop himself and hold the blade against the others neck instead.
“I’d suggest the two of you start talking.” Raph growled pressing the side of his sai into Mikey’s neck slightly. “Only one of you has to make it the Shredder in one piece.” He threatened. Hopefully Leo would know him well enough to recognise his bluff, they’d waited to long too finally meet other like them to kill them now. Not that they needed to know that.
Donnie’s lips were a thin line, stubbornly refusing to talk. When he saw the position Mikey was in his eyes went wide “Don’t hurt him!”
Leo glanced back a second before looking back at Don. "Talk, and I promise I won't let me brother hurt yours."
Mikey squirmed and winced in Raph's hold. "Don, don't!"
“We’re members of the Hamato clan. Your master killed our Sensei’s Master.” Donnie said quickly, his eyes darting between Leo and Mikey. “Please! Just let my brother go.”
Raph tightened his grip on Mikey, pushing the blade slightly, enough to make him bleed a little but not do any serious damage. “Keep quiet.” He growled into Mikey’s ear slit.
Mikey let out a small whimper, pressing back against the other to escape the sharp blade.
"Hamato?" The name seemed familiar. "Are there more of you? More like... us?"
“No. Just me and my brother.” His eyes were locked onto Mikey, feeling helpless at not being able to help him. “Please! You said only one of us had to be taken to shredder…Take me….just leave my brother alone.”
Leo pondered the other's words for a second. "Who is your sensei?"
“Hamato Splinter. He’s not like us.” Donnie’s eyes moved to the sword at his throat, he didn’t care about what happened to him he just wanted Mikey to be safe.
Raph was watching Leo closely, he was letting him lead this mission. Even if Leo agreed to let the one he had go, Raph wouldn’t do it.
"What is he then? Human?"
“Master Splinter’s a rat.” Donnie hated that he was telling all of this to an enemy, but he couldn’t do anything as long as they had Mikey.
"A... rat?" Leo raised an eye ridge.
"Mutant." Mikey filled in, his voice a bit hoarse from the awkward position. "Hey bad breath, can you let go now?"
“You’re not going anywhere until Leo’s finished with your Bro.” Raph grunted, tightening his grip on Mikey’s arm but easing off the pressure on his neck slightly, worried about doing too much damage.
Mikey winced again, but bit back any further complaints for the moment.
"Mutant?" Leo turned back to Don, processing this new information. "Are there any more... mutants?"
“Only us. I’ll tell you anything you want… Just let Mikey go…please.”
Looking into those brown eyes a moment, he slowly moved away and stood up, still pointing his katana at Don. "Get up, on your knees."
Donnie only hesitated a moment before doing as he was asked, eyes locked with the other as he tried to determine what he was up to.
Raph was watching his brother with interest, wondering what he was planning.
"Put your wrists together." Leo said as he took out a piece of rope from his belt.
"No! Donnie!" Mikey started to struggle again, trying to get Raph off of him.
Donnie put his wrist together, but moved them closer to himself as he noticed the rope. “Let Mikey go.”
“I thought I told you to stay quiet.” Raph growled, temporarily moving the sai from his throat to pull the others mask down into his mouth to act as a gag.
The act made heat rise to Mikey's face, throwing a glare at Raph the best he could from his position. He still tried to yell at Don not to go with them, but it just came out as muffles.
"Not until I've made sure you're restrained." Leo answered.
Donnie squeezed his eyes shut as he nodded. He didn’t trust them, but he didn’t have a choice.
The sounds of his brothers muffled yells made his head snap over the where he was being held. The sight of Mikey gagged and struggling made his heart ache.
Taking a deep breath he stood a little higher on his knees, holding out his wrists in front of him.
Not being gentle at all, Leo tied Don's hands together, making sure the knot was real tight before stepping back, walking around the other and placing a foot on his shell, pushing him down to the ground.
Donatello didn’t try to struggle apart from shifting his wrists at the uncomfortable feeling from the rope.
He tried to catch himself on his bound wrists as Leo pushed down on his shell, but the pressure was too much and he fell face first onto the rooftop with a pained yelp.
Mikey yelled something that sounded a bit like "Don", before he started to struggle wildly again.
Leo forced Don's ankles together, tying him up before standing straight, shooting Raph a look. "Tie him up too." He nodded towards Mikey.
“Way ahead of you bro.” Raph grinned, one of Mikey’s wrists were already tied with rope and he was already placing his sai into his belt to grab Mikey other wrist.
“No!” Donnie shouted, trying to turn to look at what was happening to his brother. “You said you’d let him go!” He was struggling against his restraint wildly now as he tried to get out to save his brother.
Leo flipped Don over before slamming his foot into the centre of his plastron. "Quiet!"
"Let go!" Mikey struggled against Raph's grip.
Leo stomping his foot down on his plastron left Don winded, but he still managed to gasp out “Knew…Foot…Didn’t have…honour.”
Raph kicked at the back of Mikey’s knees to make him topple forwards as he finished tying his wrists, moving on to tying his ankles.
Leo's face twisted into a scowl. "Watch your tongue." He said, giving Don a sharp kick to the side.
Mikey fell forwards, slamming his chin against the pavement. His head spun.
Donnie cried out and instinctively curled up from the pain, forcing his eyes to remain open to watch as his baby brother was tied up as well.
Raph grinned as he finished up tying Mikey ankles together. He spun the smaller turtle around so he could see him better, his eyes running up and down his body as he studied every inch of his captive.
Michelangelo glared up at him, squirming and trying to break free from his bonds.
Leo reached down, picking Don up and throwing him over his shoulder.
Raph eyes continued to study Michelangelo. Reluctantly he tore his eyes away from him to look over at his brother. He nodded, grabbing Mikey’s rope to lift him up before changing his mind and collecting their fallen weapons first, securing them to his belt and shoulder strap before going back to lifting Mikey up..
Donnie was panting badly, still struggling as he tried to get to Mikey. The sight of his baby brother tied and gagged and not being able to help him hurt far more then anything else Leonardo had done so far.
When Raph touched him again the other started to kick and struggle wildly.
Leonardo pulled out a communicator, pressing a button. "Mistress Karai, we have captured the two enemy turtles."
>>Good. I will inform master Shredder of your success. Bring them to the base.<<
"Yes, mistress." He ended the call, turning to Raph. "Let's bring these two to master Shredder."
Raph hit Mikey’s temple with enough force to stun him but not to knock him out. He nodded sharply to Leo as he threw Mikey over his shoulders, he’d prefer to have these turtles to themselves for a bit longer, but the mission came first.
Donnie cried out as he saw Raph hit Mikey, struggling twice as hard against Leo to try and break or loosen the ropes that bound his wrists and ankles.
The youngest whimpered, moaning slightly before he was hauled over Raph's shoulder, lying limp and in pain.
"Stop struggling." Leo said coldly. "Or I'll make sure your brother suffers for it."
Raph grunted in satisfaction as the other stopped struggling. He was quite proud of himself for not hurting him too much. Somehow he was managing to control himself more now.
“Ya know. I think this is the first mission in a long time where I haven’t killed anyone.” Raph pointed out to Leo. “Then again, the night’s still young.” He added, more to Donatello then to his brother.
Donnie growled but stopped struggling. “If you had any honour you’d let him go.”
"You speak like a fool." Leo said to Don, before taking off back to their master's headquarters.