“… and tweak this just a bit… lined up… and done!” A male brown-quilled hedgehog gets up from a kneeling position to take a gander of what he just finished, a marble/copper piped coffee table. The hedgehog gives a sigh of relief and smiles. “They will love this!” He walks over to his desk, grabs his phone to make a call. “Alright…” He puts the phone up to talk to it. “Hi, John? Hey, it’s Otto. Good, good. Listen: I have the table down for ya. Yeah, so… Do you want to pick it up, or I could deliver it to you, free of charge of course.” He leans onto the desk. “A’ight cool! I’ll be here to help. Mmhmm. My door is open. Yeah, I understand. Sweet. See you then. No… Thank you. A’ight, bye.” Otto puts down the phone and gets off the desk and he fist pumps downward with excitement. To Otto, this day couldn’t be better. Another satisfied customer, made some money, the sea breeze is calm and some clouds in the sky. He heads over to his fridge to grab something to drink, but he sighs. “Damn… out of ginger beer. John did say he will be here in a few hours. Need to make it quick though.”
Otto grabs his waxed cotton jacket to put over his sweatshirt. He was also wearing jeans and his trusted pair of work boots. He starts to head to his garage as he stops by a mirror. “Man… Need a haircut ASAP.” He walks over to his desk and write himself a reminder. Even though he as a smartphone, he would rather write stuff down. He open his garage down as the sunlight hits his most prized positions, his 250cc motorcycle. Aside from his home/workshop/showroom (first level is the showroom and workshop, the second is where he lives) he takes great joy in riding his motorcycle. It’s the feeling the wind in your hair or quills, what-have-you, the sense of speed, plus the strange music you hear when going down the road at high speeds. The edge, as some people call it.
He starts up his motorcycle, gets onto it and speeds off to the shops in town. Otto lives in a mountains/coastal line. He as a passion as well, for where he lives. He can either enjoy the calmness of a lazy beach days, with the sea breeze and the smell of salt and sand, or, a hike up into the heavy forest of cedar and pine, where the sounds of the wind going through the tree branches as the leafs, needles, etc, and the serenity of the forest.
As he heads down to the shops, a young female cat steps out of her complex. We see that she is wear a lightweight vest, a blue tank top exposing her toned stomach, hip hugging jeans, two red placstic hair scrunches with a neckless that a skull embalm. “Now, let me see.” She goes through her pockets to find her phone. She pulls it out as her notebook app opens. “Need to get some supplies for my art piece, thread to sew my skull patch, and…” She stops as she just remember some rather important. “Ugh, need to call someone to fix my shower head. I’ll see if I can fix it myself, but I really don’t want to.” As she says sulking “whatever…” she says as she begins to walk to her car. “I just don’t want Dad to find out. He’ll get some creep that he know to fix it and to hook me up.” She opens the car door and inhales deeply as she begins to sit to her car seat, exhales. “Mimi… You’re working yourself up again.” She starts to drive to the store as she hear a waltz type song come out of her speakers. She starts to hum along with the song as her worries disappear.
As Mimi pulls into the parking lot for the stores, she hears a motor cycle come up behind. ‘Great… Some person who think they own the road. Real rebel…’ As Otto, behind said car, stops ‘Man… I hope this person in front of me doesn’t take forever.’ The car pulls ahead towards the supply store, Otto remember something else. ‘Right… I need to see if they got those shirts in there. I’ll stop by later.’ He pulls ahead to the grocery store. He heads in to the store t grab his needed ginger beer. He sees something from the side from him that caught his eye. A rather cute girl at the register. He knew where he was checking out. Mere seconds later, Mimi steps with a cart. She places her phone on the child seat so that she can mark off her items. She starts to head towards the veggies so that she can begin.
Otto heads over to where the ginger beer is, with all the other soft drinks, as he picks up a four packs. “Perfect.” He says quietly. ‘You know what, I’ve got time, let me see if they have those soups here.’ He thinks to himself as his stomach gives a low growl. He heads over there and got onto his knee to the bottom shelf. ‘Someone really needs to move the soups to…’ CLANG!
Mimi stats to head down the aisle where the boxed pasta, canned veggies and soups where in. She is still humming the song she heard in the car, not paying attention. She let goes the cart so that she can spin to the song in her head. As she pushed the cart, with some force, her songs stop as she hears a loud crash. As she opens her eyes, she is in shock. Her cart as hit someone, as this person is laying on the ground hold their head. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” Mimi says as she rushes to the person. “Would you please explain why your car…” Otto turns over to see Mimi coming over to him. He is in awestruck as he forgets his words. He can only look at her as she comes up to him. Her month is moving but nothing is coming out. “Sorry” Otto says with a quiver in his voice. “Are you alright?” the girls says to him, in a worried way. “Huh? Oh… Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” Otto says as he gets up. ‘She is really cute.’ “I’m so sorry! I was just lost in a song and…” as Mimi tries to explain herself, but Otto can only say “It’s OK, Really, I’m fine” to insure her. “I just have a lot of things on my mind, from my shower head not working, and my Dad wanting to…” She stops herself so that she can calm herself down as Otto can only look in a shocked way. He sees the skull neckless that she is wearing as the skull is resting on her cleavage. Otto can feel his face warm up as he turns away. “Mister, wait.” Otto hears her voice as she comes up behind him. As he turns around Mimi final looks at him. He, as in her mind, turns slowly as his hand goes through his messy quills and his strong sunken-in hazel eyes look at her. “Please…” His voice made her quiver ‘He has a deep voice, oh no’ “Don’t call me mister. The name is Otto.” He says as she starts to play it cool. “I’m Mimi.” She says with a wink and a thumb up. “Nice to meet you Mimi.” Otto says as he extended his hand. “Same here.” She grabs his hand to shake. ‘So soft, so beautiful so… oh no’ Otto and Mimi shake their hands but, awkwardly, hold on for a bit too long. “Sorry” they both say as they let go of their hands as they both blush slightly.
“So.. Um… Mimi. I heard that your shower head isn’t work?” Otto asked to break the silence. “Yes, but I think I can fix it. I don’t want to have a plumber to come over cause…” Mimi says as she tries to find a white lie. “Well, I’m a builder by trade.” Otto says. “I can help out. Best of all, it would be free of charge.” Mimi is in shock. “Really?” “Yeah, just to look and if it’s an easy fix, it will be free. No charge.” “Thanks! Oh you just really help me out!” She starts to hug him. Her eyes are closed as a smile appears on her face ‘Smells real good.’ “Um… Mimi?” Her eyes open and let goes of her hug. “Sorry.” As she laughs shy fully and jumps back a little. Otto reaches to his pocket to grab his wallets as he pulls out a card. “Here ya go” Otto says as he hands her the card. “Janus Maker, Otto Zwolf. Thanks again.” Mimi says as she puts his card into her pocket. “No problem, Mimi.”
“I’ve gotta go. Meeting with a costumer soon.” Otto says as he starts to walk away. “Oh, OK. I’ll call you. Nice meeting you, Otto.” Mimi says as she turns around to continue her shopping. “Nice to meet you to Mimi.” Otto says with his hands in his pocket ‘Damn… My ginger beer.’ Otto heads back to the aisle to grab the bottles and the soup, but as he turns back towards Mimi, his face goes bright red. Mimi is walking away as Otto can only stare, as her butt, along with her tail, is moving side to side, as she walks away. Otto feels his face to warm up as well as lower region. ‘Oh no…” Otto can think to himself as her slowly gets as Mimi leaves said aisle. They both make eye contact as she leaves with a wave, as Otto can only gulp and wave back.
“Shit… John!” He rushes to the self-check-out register, pays for his items and leaves the store in a rush, so that he can help his costumer.
Mimi continues her shopping, but she can only think of Otto’s voice, eyes and smell. ‘Oh boy…. This may get interesting.’ She says to herself as she picks up the thread that is on her list.
As Otto says goodbye to John, he closes up shop and heads up stairs to his bedroom, but he can only think about Mimi’s hug. ‘I want to have that touch again…’ as he thinks to him as he gets into bed.
OC, Mimi. This is the start of a new story arch. Tying to get out of the SonAmy story and to re-vamp my writin' style. Please read and review, open for criticism. Thanks