As I awoke on another day here on planet Earth, there was something that was quite amiss. Usually at a time like now, there would be all kinds of people walking around. It was all hustle and bustle, and yet, now, there is nobody to be seen. It’s strange, I didn’t hear anything big happening, nor did I get any memos of some kind of evacuation.
I decided to take a little walk around, trying to find any kind of family member. Parents, siblings or anyone. Yet, despite looking for at least half an hour, there was literally no-one to see. No-one in the horizon and no-one that replied to my cries for any kind of life. “Strange,” I said to myself, “Where the hell is everyone?”
However, as I walked around, I began to realise just how bad things were. Buildings were just crumbled into pieces, cars were tipped over and/or crushed and the smell was a mix of rubble and blood. It was sickening to say the least. I saw in the background some kind of smoke. It was quite hard to see, but there was a lot of it, making breathing a bit difficult. If all of this death and destruction was the cause of an explosion, it must have been something that can’t just come from one source. It would have had to have been caused by multiple things.
There was then only one thing going through my mind at this time; how did I manage to survive something like this? It looked like the world was at its lowest point. Was it the end of the world? No, but it was the start.
As I continued to walk around, I saw entire streets, that were originally full of houses, trees and bright green grass, now just a spectrum of brown. The same question was running through my head, how did I manage to survive? The texture of the ground on my feet was extremely uncomfortable, as if I was walking on glass. Well, that was part of what was on the ground, anyway. The wind was quite strong too, managing to make my wings flutter just a bit, as well as my tail.
As I returned to my house, to see it looking in far better shape than any of the other houses in the area, I knew for a fact that this world was just far too unsafe for any kinds of survivors to stay and try and continue their lives on a planet which days are now numbered. No-one knows what number that is, but it’s certain that the world will soon end. As I entered the house, I decided to gather up a few things that I would need. A good number of necessities and a handful of other things. Everything else was either garbage, or something that I really couldn’t take with me.
When I left the house, I heard a siren going off, followed by a voice on a tanoy, stating how that ‘all survivors MUST report to the docking station to flee the planet. An international scan will detect any living survivors and will send ways of storing goods ready for leaving to the new habitable planet’
As I saw a quick red laser dart past me, I saw a fairly big drone in the distance coming towards me. He then stopped and opened up a compartment which looked very large. I decided I may as well use what I was given to take everything with me.
The drone escorted me to the docking station, which contained a few shuttles set to head to another Earth like planet for the survivors of this apocalypse. The drone then took me to a shuttle of my own and activated it, before opening up the shuttle’s luggage compartment, and starting to put in my stuff, with strong care, even though the drone looked rusted and old. When the drone was done, he said, ‘may you have peace in new home, dragon’. Strange how he managed to know that I was a dragon. I saw some of the last shuttles take off as I started to head in, before I had a thought and decided to take the drone with me. I didn’t want to leave it, even if it was only meant to serve one purpose. “Bless you, kind dragon,” the drone said. I smiled at him and said, “Not a problem,”
As I got myself comfortable in the shuttle, resting the drone on the seat next to me, I began to look back at Earth, saying my last goodbyes to it. The place I was born and grew up has now become uninhabitable. All of my friends and family are seemingly dead, crushed by buildings, cars or thrown into massive pits, not in their control. I started to get a bit misty-eyed, but I tried not to let that stop me. It was a time for evolution, a time to leave the old planet Earth and head into the unknown and live a new life with others that managed to make it!
The shuttle then began to start a countdown, starting at 30 and counting down one every second. The shuttle started to rumble with the engines starting, the stabilisers being knocked off and the thrusters pushing all the power down to set me off, before finally, after the countdown reached 0, the shuttle shot up and took me off the ground and straight into the sky and beyond.
I was now in space. Something I never would have imagined in my entire life, but now was something that needed to be done. I couldn’t stay on Earth, I had a life to live and I wasn’t going to do it mourning on a planet that was set to die! No way! There was others heading to the same place I was, so I wouldn’t be lonely at all. Sure, I may have lost those I love, but it’s something I couldn’t have stopped. My life was ahead of me as I headed to the new Earth…
I then looked behind me, seeing the last of the shuttles heading my direction as the world started to crumble. I couldn’t feel it as I was too far away, but it did seem that the close by shuttles weren’t phased by it. The Earth was now pretty much gone. It was now but a memory to those that survived. Now, I shall relax as I head through space and head into my new home planet!