This is a picture based off a RP with Glados1117. Picture drawn by babyfox1800. Below is an excerpt from the RP:
Rose was outside humming to herself, very content, as she set up her booth to sell girl scout cookies. Her brother wasn't too far off, since he was given the task to watch her. As he worked on getting the chain back on his bike in the garage, he honestly didn't really pay much attention.
Even though Rose had a few of the easy-to-get badges, she really wanted the Cookie badge for her cute little sash on her green uniform. It was really hard not to eat the cookies, but Rose resisted because that's how much she wanted it.
The plate was set, the boxes were stacked on the table, and Rose sat with a adorable little smile on her face. She sat on her padded butt and waited.
Since it was a beautiful day outside and Cheryl shoo'd her boys outside to go and play. Kyle went off on his bike to meet up with some friends down the road while Caiden stayed in the front yard playing with his ball.
It wasn't long before Caiden lost interest in that and looked around for something else to do. He spotted his neighbor Rose sitting by the street with a plate of cookies. That looked promising so Caiden toddled his way over there to see if he could get one.
"Hiya Rose." greeted Caiden as he arrived at the booth.
"Hai!" Rose said happily as she jumped to her feet. It'd been 15 minutes, which was more like 15 hours in toddler time.
"Wow! Dose wook REAWWY Yummy." commented Caiden as Rose explained the different types of cookies.
Rose showed Caiden a box of cookies, and tried to think of what her troop leader told their group about selling cookies "Umm-Ummm... I am sellin' uh.... Lemons, and cweam, and apple- I mean... R-raspberry, and uh.... The box... Cookies.... For 10 dollars!" Rose said excitedly in a jumble of words.
"10 Dollars!" exclaimed Caiden as he was told the price "Dat's wike dis many monies (holds up seven fingers). I dun have dat much! Cant I jus have one....?"
Rose sighed, then shook her head "Nooo.... Troop leader get mad... Can't eat dem..."
She looked at the box and realized she didn't finish what she was told to say "Ur donate-shun will help us make our twoop better. We can buy pwetty new uniforms and badges! I want a new uniform and all the badges! Ask your mommy for money or sumthin..."
"But mama said no more dessert 'til din din..." whined Caiden, "Couldn't I just have one tiny cookie...pretty pretty pwease...."
Rose crossed her arms and huffed out her nose "Noooooooo! Troop leader will get mad and take my badges or.... Kick me out of twoop..."
"Ugh! Fine! Be a meanie pants!" shouted Caiden as he stormed away back to his yard to think of a way to steal some cookies.
Rose shrugged, then called out as her only customer started to stomp away. She didn't know what to say "B-b-but you have to pay! You can't jus take dem! I can't even take dem!"
Caiden went back to playing with his ball while he thought about what to do next. After a few moments he thought that he may be able to sneak up to the booth and snatch them so he slowly and quietly moved towards Rose.
Rose sighed deeply and smacked her head down on the plastic table. As she laid her head down, a young couple saw her and asked what she was selling. Cookies, of course, and she was so darn adorable that despite the word jumble, they bought a box.
"COOPER I MADE MONEYS" She yelled to her brother in the garage. He just waved in response. Rose shoved the 10 dollar bill in her handy-dandy diaper. Cooper was supposed to be monitoring this, but obviously he wasn't.
Caiden saw the nice couple buy some cookies and leave.
'Oh noes!' Caiden thought to himself 'There's gonna be no more if I don't hurry up.'
Caiden moved faster and louder to get to the booth before it was too late, but he may have been TOO loud.
Rose looked the opposite direction from where Caiden was approaching from. She automatically assumed it was Cooper in the garage, so she reached diaper and pulled out her pacifier to stick in her mouth. Gross, but it surely made her even more adorable!
Caiden crawled faster and faster but accidentally bumped the box.
Rose wasn't so gullible this time. She saw Caiden now, by her booth. The little fox tilted her head to the side, and talked with her paci in her mouth "Water you doins?" She asked
"Oh, uh. Er...nothing!" stammered Caiden as he relized that he was caught.
"Just go back to doing your stinky girl things!" teased Caiden as he ran back to his yard once again.
Rose rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Caiden seemed to like to constantly point out how she was a girl, a stinky girl at that. Ever since that diaper incident, she never seemed get rid of the 'stinky' title.
Caiden went back to his ball and tried to think of another plan. Then it dawned on him. Caiden rolled the ball just past where Rose was sitting. Caiden ran close to where she was and stopped.
"Oh Rose. Could you pwease get my ball?" asked Caiden sweetly and hoping that she would fall for it.
Rose saw the ball, and happily walked over to get it so she could give it back to him. She bent over and stuck her little diaper butt up, then picked it up with her paws... Leaving the table and cookies alone.
Rose left the table just as Caiden planned and as soon as she was far enough away he started eating the cookies. He managed to eat two whole cookies before she returned. He had a bite out of another one as well.
Rose threw the ball and got super angry. Her face turned red as she realized she was tricked! "NOOOOOOOO YOU HAS TO PAY FOR DEEEEMMMM NOO!" Rose bolted over and tackled Caiden.
"Oof!" grunted Caiden as he was tackled by the girl scout.
"No! Ima gonna eat dem firstest!" teased Caiden as he was pinned to the ground.
Rose's face got redder, as she got more mad. Now she was going to get in trouble again for something stupid Caiden did. She was always tricked by him! "YOU STUPID BOY!!!"
In the struggle of trying to keep him down, Rose angrily grabbed and pulled Caiden to keep him from getting up and eating more cookies. She accidentally pulled down his diaper and revealed his bare bottom.
"Hey! You're pullin' my diapee down you stuipid girl mud face!" struggled Caiden as he munched on a cookie.
Rose raised her paw, no longer going to take Caiden's crap. She didn't pulled his diaper back up, or even care that she took it down. She gritted her teeth, raised her arm and paw super high, glued her eyes to Caiden's bottom so she had a direct hit and....
She brought her arm down and smacked his bottom! She hit so hard it made her paw hurt.
"OW! Hey! Dat hurt!" Yipped Caiden as he felt the paw hit his unprotected butt "You notta loud ta 'pank me!"
"YOU NOT ALLOWED TO CALL ME NAMES OR EAT MY COOKIES!" Rose growled, raised her paw again, and smacked!
"OWie! whimpers RRoooSSeee.....Stop it!...Meanie butt!" whined Caiden as he was suprised that the girl cub was so strong.
Rose showed her little teeth and continued to growl. She was super mad and sick of Caiden being a meaning "Your duh real meanie!" Rose yelled as her paw came down for another...
On the bare bottom... She could see it was turning red.
"OW! Rose! Pwease! 'Top it!" squirmed Caiden as his butt was actually starting to hurt.
Rose continued to growl, raising her paw for another hit while still keeping him pinned "After you say sowwy! I'm not lettin' you go!"
She came down again, this time harder than ever. But she wasn't done, this time Rose came down 3 times in a row
Over in the garage, Cooper was starting to pick up the sound of toddler wails. He looked up in worry, he was supposed to be watching but obviously he was too busy trying to fix his bike.
"Oh no..." Cooper said as he looked over the table, not seeing Rose behind it.
"WWHaahHHAaa...OWIE! 'top it! PWEASE! I'll be a goods pup....whhaaaaa...." cried Caiden as he kicked his legs for his bottom was on fire.
-End of that scene
bare bottom
girl scout
8 years, 10 months ago
27 Apr 2016 15:58 CEST
Initial: 9223b9bc29689c5608f21b0a39559358
Full Size: 9223b9bc29689c5608f21b0a39559358
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