Looong ago, when I first got into the Internet in 1995, the first site they told me about in that old (and currently inexistent) internet cafe in Madrid was Yahoo. A search engine! The guy said 'here you search for whatever you want to search', and of course I typed 'The Lion King'.
For those who still don't know, I am a big TLK fan, from the first time I saw it. In theathers I saw it more than 50 times (no kidding), and in total (VHS, DVD, etc) more than 200.
Back in the day there was a very big TLK community in the Internet. My first internet website to visit was the current lionking.org by Brian Tiemman. I got into the First Church of Simba, the alt.fan.lionking usenet group, the disney and lion king IRC chat rooms and of course, the TLK Mailing List.
On that list, almost two years later in 1997, I met a girl from Madrid who happened to be almost as a big TLK fan as me, or even bigger! Her crush was Timon (while mine was Simba cub). I made very good friends with that girl, and she introduced me to something I had never tried before: The Lion King Muck, a text-only roleplay environment in which you could play a character from the movie or an original character. If you chose for your character to be a lion, then you'd have to start off as a cub, give him a background that made sense, check on the boards if there was a lioness 'expecting' cubs already, etc, etc.
That's where my first online furry character, Nyanya, was born. He was a lion cub with an allergy to red meat. Looking at the English-Swahili dictionary I decided to search for vegetable names. I liked 'tomato', and that's why I called him so: Nyanya (tomato in Swahili).
My life kinda changed from that moment on. I made a TON of friends on that game, that I played for many hours every day for many years! I even got to be admin on the game, ended up having a lot of different characters, and my RP addiction spread out soon around other mucks. Some of them were also TLK-related, but others were a bit different... they were 'furry' based! On one of those, Tapestries, was where my OC Salmy was born, in November 1997.
But going back to TLK Muck, some days after starting off I met this lioness cub, Balana, who soon became a very good friend IRL as well. So much, that some years later and for almost two years we got into a real relationship as well. As sometimes happens, romantic relationships finish, but that doesn't mean you need to quit being friends with that person you loved.
So yes, we maintain that friendship after almost 20 years. Our characters in the muck were mates. Balana was Nyanya's queen at some point, and I love her very much. We still remember the anniversary of our characters meeting, and the anniversary of their marriage (well, actually, she's the one reminding me every year, I'm a disaster for dates x'D)
So in MFF 14 (yes, 14!) I ordered mlw a colored sketch in addition to the sketch she had made in my sketchbook, but circumstances made it impossible for her to finish it before the con (where I'd meet Balana after almost 10 years since the las time I had seen her), so in the end, we settled for her to give it to me in MFF 15. She was very nice and even added a frame to make up for it. So this last MFF I got to give it to Bal as a gift.
Ah, the memories ^^
So... that was the story! (that you won't prolly read, but.. I enjoyed writing it xD)
Ya me habías contado toda esa historia, pero fue un placer volver a leerla y revivir mucho de lo que ya me habías contado anteriormente. Recuerdo tu cara de felicidad en la MFF cuando me mostraste esta imagen enmarcada. Muy bellos recuerdos que te han de haber provocado.
Ya me habías contado toda esa historia, pero fue un placer volver a leerla y revivir mucho de lo que
La verdad es que si ^^ fueron... 7 años o mas jugando cada noche, o administrando esos juegos. De aquella no era tan facil encontrar arte furry. Hasta que salio DA, y luego FA, cada artista tenia su propia pagina en furnation o por en sitios incomodos como vcl. Tenias que ir exprofeso a mirar si los artistas que te gustaban habian posteado algo o no, porque solo habia un 'ultimas' general..
Pero eso, el muck del rey leon fue mi 'casa' y mi obsesion muchos años. Nyanya solo 'vivió' 3 años y medio, pero he grabado mas de 300 logs con la historia que ibamos desarrollando. Paralelamente, Bal me ayudo mucho en la vida real superando ciertas cosas, y como dije, finalmente acabamos juntos, aunque solo durara dos años. Pero si, recuerdo todo eso con mucho cariño ^^
La verdad es que si ^^ fueron... 7 años o mas jugando cada noche, o administrando esos juegos. De aq
Qué bonitas memorias. A mi me hubiera encantado saber del fandom en aquellos tiempos, perdía mucho mi tiempo posteando mis dibujos y mis historias en sitios donde a nadie le importaban, como myspace o los grupos de yahoo. Me hubiera gustado mucho desde aquellos ayeres toparme por pura casualidad con la palabra furry.
Qué bonitas memorias. A mi me hubiera encantado saber del fandom en aquellos tiempos, perdía mucho m