"I wonder what it would look like if the inflatable pink Mewdra ate someone. would the person that was eaten be broken down into inflati-goo, or mini Mewgoomies? or would they be turned into a mewdra varient?"
They now experience the answer firsthand, sloshed down into her squeaky, creaky depths. But what happens next?~
"Most would mush down into squeaky, squishy inflatigoo. Lost inside a plump, warm tummy, creaking sounds lulling them into their new form, a heavy fruity vinyl smell keeping their minds nice and supple~ They’d go goo in heady, sensual bliss!
"If they are lucky enough to hold on and stay sentient enough during this process, they may get broken down into multiple Mewgoomies. The Mewdra may produce several Mewgoomies per person – depends on the digested’s girth. They will happily trail and continuously ooze their slick inflatigoo, their squishy bodies in near-permanent bliss and buoyancy. Their former mind and memories are gone, however, caring only to stick close to and support their parent.
"Those strong enough or able to find a means of resisting most of the Mewdra’s influence, whether contact with inflatigoo or hugs or ingestion, will still suffer some effects. They will bear some variance of the Mewdra’s form, be it a squeaky tail, a plump belly, or gradually emitting the Mewdra’s distinctive goop. If the infected has strong composition, their surviving traits will adapt, and the infected may maintain most of their former mind and memories. Otherwise… over time, the Mewdra traits will overcome, and the infected will become wholly another inflatible, squeaky, creaky, squishy Mewdra, in mind and body.
"Of course, the possibilities still remain open – who really can say what you’ll come out as? <3 How exciting~