There was a gentle breeze, gentle sunshine and a general gentle atmosphere. Which was worrying you as you sat in the park waiting for Gavin. He had requested your presence at this particular bench, at this particular park at this particular time and date. Gavin rarely did anything calmly. He was also running late. This was a recipe for disaster. Also fire. That happened a lot too.
Loud warbling echoed out over the hillside near the pond. That would be Gavin. The angered quaking that followed was the confusing part. Cyrus watched as Gavin suddenly belted over the hillside yelling angrily and indistinctly as a large duck followed after him. This was new. The duck hit into the back of Gavin's legs and the fluffy-haired man went down. He was quickly swallowed by a swirling mess of feathers and beak. Cyrus was about to get up and help when it appeared Gavin had managed to get the duck to back off a little. Cyrus remained in a half seated position watching the generally bizarre scene unfold in front of him.
Th bird had not relented and continued to peck at him only this time it pulled Gavin's pants down revealing... Damnit so that's where his underwear went this morning. Cryrus frowned as Gavin flailed his legs around wildly at the bird who continued to peck and pull his pants back down no matter how many times Gavin managed to pull them back up. Gavin eventually saw him on the bench "CYRUS!" He called "CYRUS HELP ME!"
This was it. That was the man you had consciously agreed to go out with. The man of whom you placed all your affections. Failing to protect himself from a duck. Cyrus sighed. Sometimes he wondered how this walking disaster had captured his heart. But he had.