mew was the first troxil made and it became a Closed Species. later came Lucifade lily hiro and some others that were adopted. after a while it seems like mew and lily are the only still active troxils out there. :( two still need a home so if you wanna see them ill put a link for them.
troxil 1:
troxil 2:
This species was inspired by a rabbit, lion, and the look of demons. ** This is a species creation project being done with
Distinctive things about the Troxil: * Small like a rabbit. * Big beady eyes. * Huge ears. * Long tail with a bushy tip. * Small claws. * Various Troxil will have small horns or no horns. * Various Troxil will have pupils or no pupils. * Fluffy Chest Fur. * Troxil can float.