My lovely FC Jane. ;w;
Her old outfit is kind out of order, so I decided make the new one. I keep her "daywear" shirt with leggings, cuz I think it fits her a lot with added some stuffs. To be honest, for now.. I love her new one ;w;
Bio has been chaned a bit too. Needed to be fresh up. ;) Time makes changes.
So, this her new and official outfit and new, official biography. If some ideas will come , I will put the into.
Jane Scarlet Dalia belongs to me
Name: Jane Scarlet Dalia
Nicknames: Red Dalia , Scarlet
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Hedgehog
Orietation: Heterosexual
Height: 98 cm
Weight: Secret ;)
DOB: April 22th 1994
Birth Place: Mobius
Occupation: Noblewoman of Florem Monarch
Top Speed: High Speed Runner ( 160 - 175 Mph)
Special Attacks: Karate Blows, Stabbing with the her Katana, Spin Jump, Spin Attack.
Abilities & Aptitude: Flower Shoot, Dark Dalia, Super Dalia, </sup>sports skills,brown belt karate, ability to use any melee weapons and firearms( middle level)
Hobbies & Talents: Drawing, listen favourite music.
Family: Raven Dalia -mother, Jack Dalia - father, James and Pit - brothers.
Life partner: Maurice(Sonic)
Kids: Nano, Kay and Aice (with Maurice)
Friends: Ardith, Saira, Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, Cream, Blaze, Silver.
Rivals: Amy Rose (love rival)
Enemies: Eggman, Metal Sonic
Gourmet of choice: Lasagna, Spaghetti, pizza, spicy food, chocolate, cookies and cakes.
Beverages of choice: tea (wit lemon) , orange juice
Favorite color(s): red, violet and black.
Fears: spiders, fear of hights
Strenghts: brave, self-assurance, confidence of herself
Weakness: sensitive, bossy, implusive, actions under emotions.
Miscellaneous trivia: Jane is in love with Maurice (Sonic), but her feelings are also addressed to Shadow. Despite her athletic ability, Jane has a fear of heights. She met them during their journey through the Mobius. They dueled, and she looked at them out of hiding. When Shadow had the advantage over Maurice (Sonic) and pinned him to the ground,Jane moved into action and prevented the a nasty end of this fight. She tried to convince Shadow not to hurt him. He reluctantly did it.
1. Positive features: sociable, communicative, friendly, helpful, forgiving,warm, caring, resourcefull, intelligent
2. Negative features: bossy, malicious, impulsive, noisy, very sensitive.
3. Strong points: brave, defensive, familial.
4. Weaknesses : To Sonic and Shadow :D, acrophobia, archanophobia.
Curio facts:
-Jane has got a evil twin sis by magical mirror in ruins castle of her forefathers, which she found during her journey. When she left the ruins the evil sister get came out of the mirror. Jane's evil twin sister owns all of her personality traits, but awry. Her evil twin sis has been made by evil magic of mirror. It means that Jane's evil twin is form of capsular evil energy. After passed time Jane was fighting with her evil twin sis face to face, defeating her down, cuz evil twin sis wasn't true of her. She was her evil copy.
-Jane has fear of acrophobia, so it makes her easy to defeat when it comes to fighting on the big heights.
-When Jane met Maurice(Sonic) she haven't fancied him at first. She pegged him as irresponsible and childlish. She changed her mind when Maurice(Sonic) rescused her from death while Eggman's attack
-Jane doesn't like alcohol. Her favourite is tea and orange juice.
-Jane is short-distanced. Despite she is pretty fast , she is not able to reach not longer distance than 2 miles. She needs to take a breaks during.
-Jane can swim only near the shore. Not on depth.
Items & Weapons:Jane has a katana named Astra. She calling out using of minds. With materialization of the katana appear sparkling gleams.
Themesong: Lady Gaga - Born this Way
Back Story: Jane comes from a noble family "Florem Monarch". She is the successor to the title of nobility-the Countess and she's future ruler of monarchy. But at first she has to enter into arranged marriage. As future ruler and wife , Jane will have to procreate the another succesors with noble blood. Jane get against the her mounted future and she decided change her destiny on her own and after made arrangement with her mother, with no her father's awarness, running away from home for create her own destiny.
8 years, 11 months ago
10 Apr 2016 23:59 CEST
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