It happens sometimes: I get done with a picture and all I can think of is "I really wanna do just one more thing with this element of it." When I did this, I got a real bad hankering to see Blastcannon do some good flexing!
You might be forgiven for thinking I don't like muscles. I actually do! My problems are really kind of two-fold: I'm not very good at drawing them (the journey is long, friend), aaand I greatly favor definition over mass. So yes! When B-Cans- in her quest to beat people up and cause property damage on my team- slips up and gets caught in the taffy pit, I make sure to squeeze every part of her nice body! Not just the big fat target that screams 'goose me.'
Bulk is easy to draw, actually. Definition is the killer. I don't think I'd ever have really figured it out if I couldn't use myself as a model for it. It also helps greatly to have experience with the degrees of definition, knowing which creases and muscle bulges show up in what order (either due to muscle building, or slimming down enough for them to show through).
Typically, starting to slim down/bulk up the first groups that start to show up are the various back muscles, the outside creases of the abs (between abs and obliques), a bit of outwards bulge in the quadriceps and an associated line there and in the hamstrings, plus some definition in the shoulders, a slight bulge in the biceps (and associated crease, and a little forearm definition.
Generally, the first hallmarks of "kind of muscular" are some extra shoulder muscle and a bit of outward bulk in the quads, as those are places that don't usually build it to a significant degree without some athleticism
Bulk is easy to draw, actually. Definition is the killer. I don't think I'd ever have really figured
While it's still mostly sketchy, I absolutely love this picture. I love the stark contrast from her thin, toned, rigid body to her generous, plump backside, struggling for dominance over those poor shorts! I see this and all I can register in my head is how much I want me head between those cheeks... but then considering who this is and her unique... "power", that would basically be like asking to have my head erased from my shoulders so, I'll just sit back and admire from a far. A man can dream though, a man can dream~
While it's still mostly sketchy, I absolutely love this picture. I love the stark contrast from her