Kit stands in the apartment’s exit, with Angie standing beside her. Tears are running down her face. She’s scared to death but wants to do this. Angie takes her hand. She knows how hard this is. She looks over and says, “It wasn’t because you where outside Kit”? Kit chokes out, “But he’s”, she shakes her head not meaning to say it, Then says, “He had been following me. For a while”. Angie wraps her arm around and coxes her on. Immediately the flash backs start. But this time she hears, “Take a deep breath Kit. It’s not real”. She does as told.
She feels the outside air wrap around her. It’s cool but warm for February. She feels Angie give her another gentle nudge. Next Kit takes a step forward. Then another, followed by another. Before long she’s walking towards her job. Her hands are shaking but she’s no longer having flash backs. She’s just scared to death. She looks over at Angie and says, “I’m so scared”. Angie gives her a pity look and takes her hand.
After a few more minutes Kit takes a deep breath and says, “I’m starting to feel better”. Angie who’s holding her hand still can feel her shaking. A car horn about makes her piss her pants, and causes a crying fit. Angie thinks it’s still to early. A block before she gets to work, Kit laughs and says, “That wasn’t so bad”. Angie smiles adoringly despite still feeling Kit’s trembling hand, nods agreeing.
When she hears the bell ring from the door closing behind her Kit walks towards the center of the store then sighs hard relieved. Angie just smiles and looks over at Spec who’s looking down at a magazine. He knows Kit is in there but don’t want to chance ruining any progress she has made.
Kit walks up to him and asks, “Is their any work for me”? He shakes his head and says, “I’m glad your out but going by your shaking hands”, he’s now looking at her and sees her trembling. “I think you probably need a little more time”. Kit groans not wanting to go back out. Angie gets busy picking up magazines customers left out after signing in. Kit sighs feeling like she doesn’t belong and says, “I’m sorry I came”. Spec still looking down says, “It’s OK”.
They then hear, “Found a ninja turtles watch”. Spec shakes his head saying, “Don’t know who’s it is. Just leave it in the lost in found”. She walks behind the counter pulling out a shoe box with miscellaneous junk in it. On the front and sides in big black permanent marker, “LOST AND FOUND”. She drops it in there, puts it back in it’s place and gets back to work.
Kit sits behind the counter beside Spec and says, “Please give me something to do”. Spec shakes his head and says, “Sorry Kit I can’t”, he doesn’t want to chance her having a flash back with a customer around. They both hear, “Seven dollars in change”. Spec groans knowing Angie is just trying to get attention. Why, he don't know though. He then says, “Angie you know lost stuff in the lost and found. Loose change, Unless you know who’s it is. Leave it at the counter in an envelope. At the end of the day. If no one claimed it. It’s yours”.
Angie pulls out a white envelope and writes, “Seven dollars, March first”. Then leaves it beside the register. Before getting back to work. Kit has her head down and says, “Spec. I’m still scared”. Spec nods and says, “It was a tragic event. No one’s going to think down on you, because of it. Hell you where kidnapped”. Kit nods agreeing with him.
Spec then gives her a smile and says, “Come in the back”, then expecting Angie to make a comment looks at her. But to his surprise, she does nothing. Kit follows wearily. He takes her into his office where he puts a knife handle on the desk and says, “Kit I want you to have this”. Kit picks it up and examines it. It’s black and made of a hard plastic with what looks like switches on the opposite sides of each other.
She looks at Spec and says, “What is it”? He replies, “a knife”. Kit turns it around says, “Ain’t it suppose to have a blade”? Spec laughs and says, “For a girl from the country, you sure don’t know a lot about weapons”. He takes it then pulls both of the switches down and a blade comes out of the handle in a flash. He smiles. Kit takes it cautiously and says, “In the country we just have buck and pocket knives”. She then asks, “How do you put it back in the handle”? Spec moves the switches in the opposite direction and the blade retracts. Kit nods understanding. Spec sighs and says, “That’s just in case anything happens again. Not saying it will”. Kit nods. She feels a little better having something in her pocket that she can defend herself with.
She goes out into the store and looks at some customers squatted down looking at some books. She smiles despite being a nervous wreck. She then hears, “Excuse me mam”. Kit gasps, and jumps. But sees it’s just a short rabbit asking, if she knew where the farming books where. Kit nods and walks him over to the section. She points to the second shelf from the floor and says, “Should be right there”. She gives him a happy friendly smile then goes to help Angie.
Angie groans, wanting her to go home but don’t say anything. Kit walks to her, and whispers, “Angie I’m about to die of boredom at home”. She then lowers her head and says, “Plus I want you to walk me home”. Angie nods. A voice from behind her says, “Excuse me” and scares her to death. Kit screams, turns around and punches the rabbit in the chest. She’s humiliated as he falls backwards she covers her mouth and screams, “I’m so sorry”! She’s scared Spec is going to fire her on the spot, and that she hurt him. She begins crying.
The rabbit just laughs, and nicely says, “Oh, don’t worry about it. I was just going to say thanks. Next time I know to say something before I get close”. Kit’s scared that she’s going to get fired when she’s not even on the clock. She nods and politely says, “Your welcome”.
Spec stops him at the door and Angie can see them talking. The rabbit nods laughing then leaves. Spec walks up to Angie with a serious look and says, “Angie could you take Kit home”. Angie knows he wasn’t asking so she nods. He then smiles at Kit and says, “See you in a week or so.”, so she knows she still has a job. Kit nods relieved but worried after some time he’ll change his mind. Outside Angie takes her hand again, and says, “You got lucky”. Kit nods feeling like a kid being taken home from school after getting in trouble.
Kit sighs and says, “Sorry Angie”. Angie shakes her head and says, “Kit, it’s OK. I knew this was to big of a step for you. Hell, till a couple of days ago you couldn’t get out of bed. So your getting better really fast.” Kit sighs and asks, “Do you think he’s mad at me”? Angie shakes her head and replies, “I doubt it. Probably frustrated but not mad”. Kit frowns and thinks, “Same thing”. Then Angie surprises her by saying, “It’s not the same thing”. Kit looks at her strange and thanks, “Kit you can sleep in my room tonight”, but gets no response.
At home Kit walks into her room to the background noise of Vicky saying, “Kit’s in trouble”, taunting her. Then Angie gives her a smile when Kit hears, her say, “No this is for his job and her protection. She can explain if she wants you to know”, before leaving.
Kit’s now laying on her bed waiting for her sister to barge in. Which a few minutes later she does. Vicky whispers, “So Kit. what did you do to get fired”? Kit groans and says, “I’m suspended. Not fired.” Vicky laughs and says, “Oh this is good. I was just guessing”.
Kit then says, “Jessy, you out there”. Vicky is laughing. They then hear,“Yeah”. Kit replies, “Remember that move I showed you to put Angie in, on your twelfth birthday?” Jessy giggles , “Yeah it worked thanks”. Kit smile and says, “Put Vicky in it”. Kit can’t help but laugh when she hears a humph then Vicky yelling, “This hurts”,then, “Jessy, I’m taping”.
Vicky stands up, rubbing her neck and asks, “When the hell did you teach her that”? Kit laughs saying, “I didn’t”. Vicky points to Jessy, who’s standing beside her, and says, “But you just said”. Kit smiles and says, “I taught it to her years ago”. Vicky growls. She then sinks into her pillows and says, “This sucks”. Vicky sits beside her and says, “Your not the one that just had your head pulled backwards”.
Kit rolls to her side and says, “No, being suspended, and it was the camel clutch”. Vicky moves Kit’s tail out of the way and cuddles with her replying, “I’m off till tonight and by then Angie will be home”. Kit holding in tears says, “I didn’t even mean to punch him”.
Vicky now puzzled asks, “What”? Kit then says, “I punched an incredibly nice rabbit. Personally I think he was high on something. No one gets knocked off, his feet and laughs about it”. Vicky snuggles harder and says, “Don’t worry about it. You didn’t loose your job, and when you get back you can say sorry”. Kit nods and snuggles her rear towards Vicky. She then says, “I wish you had a dick”. Vicky groans.