So! silverfox5213 was taking rpg-themed commissions where people picked a class and a level and he'd give them the full treatment. And seeing how everything he does is unbearably adorable, especially when it involves silly goof ups, there was no way I could resist something at the absolute beginner level: level one. As well, one of my earlier forays into fantasy rpgs, at least as far as mmo's are concerned, was a Hunter on WoW. I mained that Hunter for the longest time, so when I was going through the list of classes that Silverfox wanted to portray, I zeroed in on the animal trainer right away. And I'm so happy I did!
Everything you see is a product of his brain. Literally, all I said was "level one animal trainer." He came up with the pose, the outfit, the fact that I'm training little chee kittens. He is a true artist and he's worth every cent.