Maybe some of you are sitting there right now with the belief you're not good enough to draw, to create. That by comparison to others, your potential is meaningless...
Dears, we tell ourselves a lot of things. That our value and worth is decided by how many views or favorites we receive by others. That our choices are limited, or that we will never be satisfied in what we can do. If you've been struggling, I want you to sit with me for a moment and take a breath. This isn't about numbers, or popularity. This isn't a competition between you and any single other person. This is about you.
Some of us have been in a corner for a while. We've learned to hear things a certain way, and to see things a certain way. Sometimes that sound leaves you only seeing the worst in yourself and others. Whether you can see it or not though, I'm reaching out for you. That right now, always now, I'm seeing everything in you that you want to make a reality. I don't see the flaws you see in yourself. I don't see the hesitation or doubt. The only thing I see are the dreams, and make no mistake, we all have them no matter what we have come to believe otherwise.
Today I want to lift you, and remind you there are those out there just like me who are always waiting for you. Who want nothing more than to see you try, and try again. Have a listen sometime, and hopefully we'll be seeing from you soon.