Character Sheet for "It" Eskävoi
Loud, brash and can be rude at times. He’s very flirtatious towards women and doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer very well. He’s persistent and very determined when he has something set in his mind. He seems like a bad seed at first glance, but he usually has good (or rather, decent) intentions. He finds other people’s frustration and anger as amusing and enjoys poking fun at men who get annoyed easily. He can also be pretty sarcastic. He is rarely ever intentionally ‘mean’ unless someone rubs him the wrong way, and he feels they deserve it.
"It" is a womanizer and nothing short of it. He enjoys taking attractive women out on dates, or flirting in general. He also likes sparring and fancy foods (but rarely dines on them as he is rather stingy when it comes to cash). He has an odd fascination with jewelry, mainly piercings. This is made quite obvious with his apparel.
"It" is the youngest of three siblings. None of the three have the same father. His brother, Saj, is 7 years older; his sister, Illusion, is 3 years older. "It" barely knows his older brother, having only crossed his path once or twice. He rarely keeps contact with him as Saj finds him to be a bad influence on his young children. Illusion happens to share the same living quarters as "It".
"It" does not know who his father is, but knows who Illusion’s father is. He has no emotional connection to him. Their mother was in and out of relationships too quickly for any real ‘father’ figure to be in his life.
Saj and Illusion both decided to grow up with their fathers when they were young. Seeing as "It" was left without a father, he was forced to grow up with his mother. She was very apathetic towards his existence, clearly, as she didn’t even give him a name. He tried to gain her attention by becoming rather rowdy and unruly, but that simply resulted in him getting smacked around.
Eventually he just gave up trying and at the age of 15 disappeared to go live on his own.
Luckily he managed to find Illusion after a few months. She and her father took him in to help him out, but by then he had already been a complete mess. He was a thief, he smoked, and he was quite a scrapper. He was quick to start fights and was very vicious. The nickname “Chaos” was spawned around this point in his life, as that was what he had started to make the two’s lives. Illusion’s father got fed up with him and told him to leave after only a year of him being with the two. Illusion had felt that it was possible to rework him to get him back to a ‘normal’ social standing, deciding she would leave with him to help try to get him on his feet – a job, socially acceptable behavior, and removing him from his bad habits.
The two got an apartment together and Illusion convinced him to get a job as a dish washer at a local restaurant. That didn’t last long – a week and he got into a fight with one of the cooks. Illusion was extremely frustrated with this, but "It" couldn’t seem to understand why she was so upset. He’d won, after all.
Several years more of struggling for the two and Illusion had managed to somewhat ‘tame’ her younger brother, him stabilizing a job and actually (mostly) keeping out of trouble. When he was 20, he started to work at a gym to train. It was definitely up his alley. When he was 21 he progressed his way up to the gym leader. Two years later and he snagged a job at the Pokémorph League as the first of the Elite Four. He is still new to the Elites, but is very proud of his rank. He uses every excuse he can to brag.
"It" had also grown out his hair for many, many years. He was very comfortable with it, and kept it due to his mate having been quite fond of playing with it. He had attempted to settle down with her after having two children with her (and two more outside of their relationship... oops?), but the two drifted apart after a few years and broke ties with each other. To try to help himself move on and forget that portion of his past, he cut his hair with a knife.
"It" and Illusion still live together – he keeps her in check and she does the same. The two work well together, despite being polar opposites.
Mother: Amikara Eskävoi
Father: Gai Doku (unknown)
Brother: Saj Eskävoi
Sister: Illusion Eskävoi
Children: Thing, Anon, Mercutio, ??? (name never decided), Z (adopted)
"It" is slightly taller than a standard mewtwo. He is 7’0” tall and extremely thin. He has very little weight to him that isn’t muscle, a sign that he probably should eat more frequently than he does. His base colour is black, but he has some red and silver markings. His tail is abnormally long and is a deep red. He has shoulder-length, feathered and unevenly cut hair that fades from black at the base to red towards the tips. He has red eyes that seem very dull, hinting that he probably doesn’t have the best sight of all (in fact, he’s partially blind in his left eye). He has countless scars all over his body, proving that he is addicted to fighting.
He rarely wears genuine clothing.
His attire varies, but some things stay the same: his piercings. He has two bulleted silver beads at the tops of his horns, followed by two golden hoops in each horn with gold chains attaching the two. He sometimes has a golden lip piercing (hoop), which he wears depending on whether or not he has intentions of starting something. His tongue is also pierced. It is a silver barbell. He is almost always wearing his spiked collars, one on his neck and one at the thinnest point of his tail (just before the end). He often wears them around his wrists and ankles, as well.