Wow.. I actually am amazed I managed to do this, When this piece first started out I felt it looked really bad, so I fiddled, and fiddled (and SquarePirate for who this piece is) said she liked it) so I continued, and I started shading, and it just happened, the entire thing became so alive o_O~
Now I've been doing a lot of trial and error but .. I'm just so happy with this <3 I think I can be really proud of myself as this being my part in the arttrade between me:
I think its a perfect balance ^^ Plenty to "hide" in and not too much to be covered :D I could see Earnest playful like this ^^
Maybe, once I get a bit caught up with some orders, we can do another trade; if you wanted. I'm writing another scene with a couple of cops that I'd love to have drawn :D
I think its a perfect balance ^^ Plenty to "hide" in and not too much to be covered :D I could see E
Sweet :D And yep, comms always come first, hence why I'm not doing any more freebies until I get these slots knocked out ^^
But, I was wondering, since you may be drawing the cops: I'm writing about two cops, a rookie cop who is a badger, and the captain/main cop dude, but I have no real plan for his species. Any favorites? :D He is male, I think of as heavy set, and very dedicated to his job. If you've read the first chapter; he is the one that will "keep up" the investigation in the search for Kira. I'd love your input on what species he should be/what he should look like :D
Sweet :D And yep, comms always come first, hence why I'm not doing any more freebies until I get the
I'm a verry slow reader >.< so I only read storys that really intrigue me xD~ but you'rs are nice, tough I also have not read them all. ~ aside from that I can be busy, and I'm often either: Playing a game, doing art or i'm roleplaying while doing these things/browsing art xD~ and reading is not really good when you're roleplaying xD, especially if you do multiple.
However, well I think (even tough it's a bit cliche?) A bear would do, I love horses tough, but I don't know if I can draw them well xD, I'm just not confident I guess, but I just don't always think my lines are good xD, and mainly becouse I'm terrible at sketching and laying out the bases for proportions.
Anyhoozles, I'd love to draw it tough :P~
I'm a verry slow reader >.< so I only read storys that really intrigue me xD~ but you'rs are nice, t
Well I like a good story, I often tend to do the same, I like it when it builds up and not just straight up sex, (and even a clean SFW story is nice of course) but hmm, I found it interesting but haven't found the time to read it yet. I don't think Ill ever get faster at reading unfortunatly :(~ I've had so many trainings back when, and barrely any progress ;s
Well I like a good story, I often tend to do the same, I like it when it builds up and not just stra
I plan on adding a few sex scenes, but this mostly won't be porn haha xD So~
And no shame in slow reading. I read fast, always have, just a talent I guess. Hard to improve on reading, significantly anyway, especially if you already read a lot, which you do.
I plan on adding a few sex scenes, but this mostly won't be porn haha xD So~ And no shame in slow r
Yeah U__U, it also helps that I'm dislectic~ I also have that I often have to read a sentence (or alinia) like 2, 4 times becouse for some reason my brain wouldn't get it.
Funny thing was back in school, I would always finnish last with tests, but often had the best score xD (or one of the good scores) ~ so that was fun, shows that taking you're time is worth it. But it is also a bit frustrating
Yeah U__U, it also helps that I'm dislectic~ I also have that I often have to read a sentence (or al