so been having some more weird dreams but this time instead of drawing the monsters/demons that were in it i decided to draw her as my next dream log doodle
this is a bunny girl that i woke up as in a small stretch of woods in the middle of the night, it was a new moon so it was pitch dark.i didnt see myself but i knew what i looked i woke up i was scared beyond belief because in my dreams the woods are filled with giant snakes and all manner of creatures at night that are very i was getting read to sprint through the woods to get to my house as i felt a pressure bein pushed all around my head and i was getting pushed to the ground slowly untill i felt 4 sharp claws grasp onto my skull and started to drag me to the i felt the claws somehow i knew it was this hulking half reptilian half mammal looked like it was part rabbit, hyena , wolf and for some reason had the skin texture of a deathclaw from fallout 4. it was a bipedal creature with a large scruffy mane like a hyena has on it's back.trying to flail and squirm out of it's grip i saw a family pass by the road up ahead where the thing was dragging me. i tried calling out for help but they just kept walking along the road with their flashlights ahead.the thing dragged me onto the road those people were but no sign of them so i saw one of the houses had lights on and i managed to break free and dash over to the house.banged on the door screaming for help but i saw a man just standing there looking i noticed him i was slammed from behind and fell back onto the ground in a bear hug death grip.aaand thats when i woke up in a jolt sitting straight up.
overall i think it was a pretty cool looking thing and i would like to log it when i get a chance and have it for later use for a comic or even a game.
i also liked the bunny girl i woke up as.
she was a lot easier to draw so i drew her first XD
back to working on easter stuffs (yes im aware of the whole bunny theme with easter coming)
NSFW part:the size difference of the 2, the girl was 5'1 and the creature was around 8 feet. bein dragged along noticed the member and sac between the legs soooo yeah, as bunnies doin what they do. pretty much why i was freaking out trying to get away in the dream.... XD
8 years, 11 months ago
23 Mar 2016 10:48 CET
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