Character Sheet for Xander (Alexander) Starheart
Worm. Toothworm to be exact
Character Description
Xan is a wild animal and has little understanding of many concepts other than hunting for food. He is however rather close to Toksol his brother and despite his instincts will listen and obey him. He lives in North Diegol Forest with his brother and often hunts in the area. Xan as an animal is smarter than the rest and he's pretty tough not only because of his size. Xan feels the need to protect and care for Tok but likewise Tok keeps Xan away from civilization who might capture him or even worse have him put down. Xan respects Tok's cleverness but Tok often relies of Xan's strength in case some more dangerous wildlife comes their way. Xan can be a tricky customer as a team player as due to his size he fears very few opponents but lacking social skills can be a major flaw in civilized areas. Getting Tok to help is key as Xan rarely leaves his side and Tok has some control over Xan. It can make things rather dangerous when trying to meet Tok since Xan is rather protective but make friends with Tok and Xan might also aid you.
Xan's relationship with Toksol Starheart
Xander is a wild animal of a solitary kind. He takes what he wants and doesn't care about what effects it might have. However if a big threat comes along he'll run and hide. However he still has feelings towards Toksol and will protect him and hunt for him. They enjoy each others company and Xan will listen to Tok despite his instincts even if he can't really understand him. In a way Toksol also protects Xan from danger by keeping him away from mankind who might see him as a danger wild animal. Xan respects Tok's cleverness but still feels that he's in charge even though Tok ultimately has control. Xan doesn't understand any man-made concepts or even pretty basic aspects of social skills making it hard to get him to work in a team but somewhere in there there is some level of understanding that rarely shines but proves he's more than just a creature. As animals go he's not the strongest but probably the smartest, as sentient creatures go he's a huge dangerous beast with ginormous teeth
likes Toksol, hunting and finding fresh kills, dislikes things that can fight back and being unable to escape or hide from it.
Xan was always the cocky and arrogant big headed one of the two brothers and it unfortunately got him into trouble. Toksol was the sensible if a bit cowardly brother who's wisdom and planning saved Xan on more than a few occasions. However one day Xan took a step too far and was turned into a Toothworm by a mage as a punishment. It didn't take long for Xan to start wrecking up the place and when Tok arrived what he saw was a Toothworm on the loose being attacked by and attacking civilians. Tok managed to lure the worm away from civilization but when he tried to release it into the wild it wouldn't leave him. It was only then that Tok noticed the Starheart gemstone in the worm's middle and realized that this must be his brother. Tok tried to go back to town to find the mage but Xan was following him and he couldn't risk the already angry townspeople finding Xan so they decided to find somewhere to live and moved through the forest alongside the road out of sight. Their travels took them south to North Diegol Forest where they could survive on the luscious plant life and abundance of wild animals. The local wildlife being dangerous wasn't a problem for either of them and would also act as a barrier to keep prying eyes out of their way. Since then the two of them have been living in a den in the forest with Tok being able to visit Diegoltun occasionally to contact their family.
Xan's brother Toksol looks after Xan when he can and protects him from the harsh world of man. The rest of their family live north-east of Olrit and visit Toksol sometimes but Tok has to keep Xan a secret from them as much as possible and has told them that Xan went missing rather than what really happened.
The Valhalor world is a mixture between real-world, fantasy and sci-fi settings with the second item being a more dominant factor. There are 8 islands in Valhalor, 5 of which are divided into multiple countries. Many years ago there was a war between the Dozers of Meka Island and the Yovans of South Island, which resulted in Valhalor being divided into 2 warring alliances. Monsterville is a country in South Island that is strongly fantasy themed, though Olrit county in particular is very much modern day. Monsterville is mostly forested and has a European look. It's home to a lot of unusual wildlife and often hazardous kinds. Diegoltun City is the main setting for the Monsterville game which this character is from. The city has a wide range of businesses from shops, craft works and restaurants to offices, entertainment and tourist attractions. There are also several smaller villages around Diegoltun and the city itself is sat next to a much larger city known as Olrit.
Xan is a giant black worm with a large bulbous yellow head at each end with 6 triangular teeth around the circular mouth that can meet in the middle to form a seal. In the middle of his body is a yellow bulbous patch with a large red gem inside which protrudes through the skin on either side of his body.