Darkness had fallen over the Everfree Forest as a dark colored alicorn walked down an ancient pathway that was overgrown. He peered through the gloom and looked around, pausing in an ancient graveyard that was full of fresh looking graves. Dark Vortex lit several torches and stalked among the tombstones before halting before a freshly dug grave and smirking “ahh I remember you. Yes, you found my home out here so you had to die. I couldn’t risk you telling them about me and preventing me from bringing back my mistress.” Vortex looked around the graveyard, his flaming eye lighting up and glowing brightly, showing many black magic runes painted around to keep the wandering souls from returning. Vortex smirks and stomps the ground, a fresh rune appearing and the skull lifting up out of the ground and resting on the surface. Vortex picks up the skull with his magic “ahh Bright Cloud, I knew you well once, long ago.” He stared at the skull and lifted it up to the cold light of the moon “you know it was just too bad I had to kill you. I hope you realize it wasn’t personal. You simply had to die.” He chuckles darkly to himself and looks up at the moon “my parents are buried here somewhere, I should know, I killed them and buried them here.” His flaming eye blazes a little brighter and the purple runes on his body swirl with dark magic, the skull around his neck shimmering a little in the moonlight. Dark Vortex throws the skull away and it shatters on a nearby tombstone, making the evil alicorn laugh “oh dear Bright! Your lost your head and shattered your crown!” Vortex laughs as he exits the graveyard and pauses at the entry “Bodies of those long past RISE AND SERVE ME!” the ground shakes and trembles as skeletal hooves rise up out of the dirt and skeletons pull themselves up, glowing with dark magic and falling into line. A dark and wicked looking smile crossed Vortex’s face “perfect. My army of darkness and death is almost complete. Soon we can march on Canterlot and take over and bring back Nightmare Moon!” He uses his magic to blow a skeleton apart and pick up its skull “mmm a fresh pony to talk to. Come my army. Time to join the rest.” He stalks off into the forest, followed by the freshly exhumed skeletal army behind him.