Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on Oct 2nd, 2015 02:10 AM.
Okay as stated in last weeks journal. I have for you all designs themed around Halloween Monsters that we all know and love... or fear!
We got Frankstein with a cute little Franken Puppy. A Ghost hanging about. The Grim Reaper doing it's thing. The Invisible Man on the scene. A Gremlin who hopefully didn't take apart anything important. A little Witch who just might cast a spell on you. The Headless Horseman who seems to be having trouble finding a new pumpkin. A Mummy with a Anubis Teddy. A Gargoyle keeping an eye on you. And my personal favorite, a Werewolf whos shadow is worse than his bite... Maybe.
All these Designs are available on a wide selection of products like t-shirts, stickers, poster cards, spiral notebooks, phone cases, and more.
You can find each design and others on my redbubble account: