Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on Jan 19th, 2014 05:52 AM.
I recently started playing this game called Tera. And yes I know it's been out for a while now. What rock have I been living under! Give me a break I only just got a computer that can actually play it (On the Lowest settings)
Anyway back to the comic. Now normally before I play any game I always read up on the controls before hand. But I thought this game would be like any other. So I ended up blasting the first Quest Giver into Oblivion until I finally decided to read up on the controls (well okay my attacks didn't do anything to her, but it was kinda funny). Apparently you attack with the mouse and interact with the keys.
Well look forward to my Misadventures in Tera.
Tera, Popori, and all related materials (c) respective owner Art, Comic, Character (c)