species: gore mangala
gender: female
age: unknown
life span: Unknown.
height at the shoulder: 20 feet.
length nose to tail: 80 feet
wing span: 80 feet
koroly virus colony name: sorbek
likes: belly rubs, kids, snuggles, and sweats.
dislikes: monster hunters.
back story: BLANK is one of the very few monsters from the monster hunter universe that is actually very docile and friendly to other creatures smaller then she is, having been infected with a huge colony of my koroly virus at over 200 gallons in size and making her feel very relaxed and calm, people often suggesting this virus has actually caused this change in her personality and she often stays hear towns for a wile and gets food from the villagers that were brave enough to approach her and those every braver to touch her head, only to realise her new gentle nature.
8 years, 11 months ago
19 Mar 2016 01:18 CET
Initial: 3a8aa44225cd0094591058511478608c
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