These are absolutely beyond awesome questions, the trouble is I cannot portray accurate depictions of my answers in just doodles. These are things I would have to devote time to and make look gorgeous and yes hot and sexy - kinks - they are what they are.
There are so many boundless things I love about Vore and the interactions I have with Predators when doing it. Vore might seem basic in which predator-eats-prey-the-end, but actually it is literally different with everyone because of relationship, mood, species, size, and location. There dozens of other factors applicable too.
So to at least helpfully answer some of the questions here, I really love being chased/trapped/teased. I get a huge kick out of the prevore aspect of vore.
Being dangled over jaws, trapped in a cage or under a fallen tree, tied to a pole as a sacrifice even - it is being at an utterly helpless place and at the mercy of the superior alpha predator. Running even though its pointless, trying to escape an impossible outcome of being eaten, getting pounced on, pinned under a paw, a foot, between a snout and the wall or the ground - pretending to be afraid - that is me and that is what I love and I haven't even been eaten yet!
Preds who show off what they got Growling/Roars/muscles/strength/teeth/claws/powers ect. is extremely enticing. That intimidation factor, their domineering presence, ugh the best.
That said, affection, devotion, protective predators who want nothing but the safety of their prey, even if it is within their own stomach, is beautiful and artistic as f--k.
And the swallow, being gulped down a throat is an incredible sensation to imagine, the total claiming a predator has over you as you become theirs. Of course also being within their belly and being prodded over and rubbed at and perhaps a belch or two will be expelled, its a pride thing for most preds, they feel good about themselves having overtaken their prey.
All these things I love.
Thanks for asking the questions Kelvin_Shadewing and CalebCerron