Character Sheet for Lenny
Lenny is a bit of a rebellious teenager who likes to play by his own rules. When he's not showing off to his friends, in the secrecy of his family circle, he's the caretaker and overwatch for Pawp and Choko. He has a big heart and puts his family first, but is dead-set in not following common rules and traditions.
Lenny likes other 'bad-ass' people and those who defy rules. He likes to play the alpha and to try new things.... just to try them. He loves his family, but hates to show it to anyone in his mischievous circle. He does, though, defend them when their safety and well-being is put into question. He'll openly beat the snot out of anyone who threatens his family.
"Adopted" brother of Pawp and Choko .... coming into the family as a stray after "The Event"